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The Story:

After the cliff hanger in the first Assassin’s Creed, it continues with Desmond Miles escaping from Abstergo Industries (the Templars) with help from Lucy Stillman. She introduces Desmond to her team mates who evidently are also the modern version of the Assassin’s. Now that the Assassin’s know what the Templars are after (another ‘Piece of Eden’), Desmond (also known as Subject 17 by the Templars) must enter a different Animus that the Assassin’s obtained in order to re-live the life of his ancestor Ezio Auditore Da Firenze back in the era of the Italian Renaissance. It seems that the Templars used Subject 16 to find another ‘Piece of Eden’ in the same era but unfortunately he was exposed to the Animus for too long resulting in the Templars reaching a dead end. By re-living Ezio’s memories, the Assassin’s can stop the Templars from obtaing the object and possibly try to fight back. Desmond will learn all the skills of the Assassin’s by the help of Ezio’s years of learning by something called ‘the bleeding effect’. However by the end of the game Desmond and the Assassin’s find out that there is something much bigger and dangerous heading their way than just the Templars. Something that would affect the entire world as we know it.

Filled with many twists and turns more questions are brought up and send the entire Assassin’s Creed plot to a whole new level. Even tough this has a brilliant story I find that it is quite confusing the first time you play it just like The Matrix. But eventually you will get the hang of it once you play it again. And trust me this is a game you could definitely play again.


The Game Play:

Like other features in this game this has been improved immensely giving you full choice and movement in what you want to do. Not only do you unlock upgrades for your standard weapons (unarmed, throwing knives, sword and hidden blade) but you can unlock many other weapons including a small improvised gun device design attached to the hidden blade. Though do not get too exited. This game tries to be as realistic as it can to what life was actually like in those days so don’t expect Ezio to fire bullets rapidly so you can go in all guns blazing. That is not how it works.

You can also customise your outfit. Eventually you can visit other cities that let you choose what colour outfit you wish to purchase. Each map has their own unique looks so make sure you visit all maps.

Like the first Assassin’s Creed, your free roaming movement skills are pushed to the limit. In this game all the actions seem more fluent and faster than before. Though like the other game can have those moments where you could just keep running into a wall but I think that is more down to the player than the actual game. A workman always blames his tools.


The Graphics:

Like all games in general, this game improves by enhancing the detail in everything you see. Outstanding vibrant colours make this a marvel to look at. I love exploring all the cities and maps to see what is around as (like the first game) each environment is create as close to the real world locations that were built in that era.


The Music:

Since the unsatisfying attempt with the music in the first game, Assassin’s Creed II certainly made up for their faults resulting in making one of the best games I have played that has this amount of emotion in each instrumental. And for the very first time Assassin’s Creed has its very own theme tune. An example of this is when the first intro credits kick in. As soon as the music starts I get goose bumps and not a lot of game instrumentals can do that.

Assassin’s Creed 2 – Ezios Family

So all in all this is a fantastic game that holds yet another cliff hanger and sets the course for the next Assassin’s Creed game. That is why I have given this game … 9/10









The Story:

After the cliff hanger in the first Assassin’s Creed, it continues with Desmond Miles escaping from Abstergo Industries (the Templars) with help from Lucy Stillman. She introduces Desmond to her team mates who evidently are also the modern version of the Assassin’s. Now that the Assassin’s know what the Templars are after (another ‘Piece of Eden’), Desmond (also known as Subject 17 by the Templars) must enter a different Animus that the Assassin’s obtained in order to re-live the life of his ancestor Ezio Auditore Da Firenze back in the era of the Italian Renaissance. It seems that the Templars used Subject 16 to find another ‘Piece of Eden’ in the same era but unfortunately he was exposed to the Animus for too long resulting in the Templars reaching a dead end. By re-living Ezio’s memories, the Assassin’s can stop the Templars from obtaing the object and possibly try to fight back. Desmond will learn all the skills of the Assassin’s by the help of Ezio’s years of learning by something called ‘the bleeding effect’. However by the end of the game Desmond and the Assassin’s find out that there is something much bigger and dangerous heading their way than just the Templars. Something that would affect the entire world as we know it.

Filled with many twists and turns more questions are brought up and send the entire Assassin’s Creed plot to a whole new level. Even tough this has a brilliant story I find that it is quite confusing the first time you play it just like The Matrix. But eventually you will get the hang of it once you play it again. And trust me this is a game you could definitely play again.


The Game Play:

Like other features in this game this has been improved immensely giving you full choice and movement in what you want to do. Not only do you unlock upgrades for your standard weapons (unarmed, throwing knives, sword and hidden blade) but you can unlock many other weapons including a small improvised gun device design attached to the hidden blade. Though do not get too exited. This game tries to be as realistic as it can to what life was actually like in those days so don’t expect Ezio to fire bullets rapidly so you can go in all guns blazing. That is not how it works.

You can also customise your outfit. Eventually you can visit other cities that let you choose what colour outfit you wish to purchase. Each map has their own unique looks so make sure you visit all maps.

Like the first Assassin’s Creed, your free roaming movement skills are pushed to the limit. In this game all the actions seem more fluent and faster than before. Though like the other game can have those moments where you could just keep running into a wall but I think that is more down to the player than the actual game. A workman always blames his tools.


The Graphics:

Like all games in general, this game improves by enhancing the detail in everything you see. Outstanding vibrant colours make this a marvel to look at. I love exploring all the cities and maps to see what is around as (like the first game) each environment is create as close to the real world locations that were built in that era.


The Music:

Since the unsatisfying attempt with the music in the first game, Assassin’s Creed II certainly made up for their faults resulting in making one of the best games I have played that has this amount of emotion in each instrumental. And for the very first time Assassin’s Creed has its very own theme tune. An example of this is when the first intro credits kick in. As soon as the music starts I get goose bumps and not a lot of game instrumentals can do that.

Assassin’s Creed 2 – Ezios Family

So all in all this is a fantastic game that holds yet another cliff hanger and sets the course for the next Assassin’s Creed game. That is why I have given this game … 9/10









The Story:

After the cliff hanger in the first Assassin’s Creed, it continues with Desmond Miles escaping from Abstergo Industries (the Templars) with help from Lucy Stillman. She introduces Desmond to her team mates who evidently are also the modern version of the Assassin’s. Now that the Assassin’s know what the Templars are after (another ‘Piece of Eden’), Desmond (also known as Subject 17 by the Templars) must enter a different Animus that the Assassin’s obtained in order to re-live the life of his ancestor Ezio Auditore Da Firenze back in the era of the Italian Renaissance. It seems that the Templars used Subject 16 to find another ‘Piece of Eden’ in the same era but unfortunately he was exposed to the Animus for too long resulting in the Templars reaching a dead end. By re-living Ezio’s memories, the Assassin’s can stop the Templars from obtaing the object and possibly try to fight back. Desmond will learn all the skills of the Assassin’s by the help of Ezio’s years of learning by something called ‘the bleeding effect’. However by the end of the game Desmond and the Assassin’s find out that there is something much bigger and dangerous heading their way than just the Templars. Something that would affect the entire world as we know it.

Filled with many twists and turns more questions are brought up and send the entire Assassin’s Creed plot to a whole new level. Even tough this has a brilliant story I find that it is quite confusing the first time you play it just like The Matrix. But eventually you will get the hang of it once you play it again. And trust me this is a game you could definitely play again.


The Game Play:

Like other features in this game this has been improved immensely giving you full choice and movement in what you want to do. Not only do you unlock upgrades for your standard weapons (unarmed, throwing knives, sword and hidden blade) but you can unlock many other weapons including a small improvised gun device design attached to the hidden blade. Though do not get too exited. This game tries to be as realistic as it can to what life was actually like in those days so don’t expect Ezio to fire bullets rapidly so you can go in all guns blazing. That is not how it works.

You can also customise your outfit. Eventually you can visit other cities that let you choose what colour outfit you wish to purchase. Each map has their own unique looks so make sure you visit all maps.

Like the first Assassin’s Creed, your free roaming movement skills are pushed to the limit. In this game all the actions seem more fluent and faster than before. Though like the other game can have those moments where you could just keep running into a wall but I think that is more down to the player than the actual game. A workman always blames his tools.


The Graphics:

Like all games in general, this game improves by enhancing the detail in everything you see. Outstanding vibrant colours make this a marvel to look at. I love exploring all the cities and maps to see what is around as (like the first game) each environment is create as close to the real world locations that were built in that era.


The Music:

Since the unsatisfying attempt with the music in the first game, Assassin’s Creed II certainly made up for their faults resulting in making one of the best games I have played that has this amount of emotion in each instrumental. And for the very first time Assassin’s Creed has its very own theme tune. An example of this is when the first intro credits kick in. As soon as the music starts I get goose bumps and not a lot of game instrumentals can do that.

Assassin’s Creed 2 – Ezios Family

So all in all this is a fantastic game that holds yet another cliff hanger and sets the course for the next Assassin’s Creed game. That is why I have given this game … 9/10









The Story:

After the cliff hanger in the first Assassin’s Creed, it continues with Desmond Miles escaping from Abstergo Industries (the Templars) with help from Lucy Stillman. She introduces Desmond to her team mates who evidently are also the modern version of the Assassin’s. Now that the Assassin’s know what the Templars are after (another ‘Piece of Eden’), Desmond (also known as Subject 17 by the Templars) must enter a different Animus that the Assassin’s obtained in order to re-live the life of his ancestor Ezio Auditore Da Firenze back in the era of the Italian Renaissance. It seems that the Templars used Subject 16 to find another ‘Piece of Eden’ in the same era but unfortunately he was exposed to the Animus for too long resulting in the Templars reaching a dead end. By re-living Ezio’s memories, the Assassin’s can stop the Templars from obtaing the object and possibly try to fight back. Desmond will learn all the skills of the Assassin’s by the help of Ezio’s years of learning by something called ‘the bleeding effect’. However by the end of the game Desmond and the Assassin’s find out that there is something much bigger and dangerous heading their way than just the Templars. Something that would affect the entire world as we know it.

Filled with many twists and turns more questions are brought up and send the entire Assassin’s Creed plot to a whole new level. Even tough this has a brilliant story I find that it is quite confusing the first time you play it just like The Matrix. But eventually you will get the hang of it once you play it again. And trust me this is a game you could definitely play again.


The Game Play:

Like other features in this game this has been improved immensely giving you full choice and movement in what you want to do. Not only do you unlock upgrades for your standard weapons (unarmed, throwing knives, sword and hidden blade) but you can unlock many other weapons including a small improvised gun device design attached to the hidden blade. Though do not get too exited. This game tries to be as realistic as it can to what life was actually like in those days so don’t expect Ezio to fire bullets rapidly so you can go in all guns blazing. That is not how it works.

You can also customise your outfit. Eventually you can visit other cities that let you choose what colour outfit you wish to purchase. Each map has their own unique looks so make sure you visit all maps.

Like the first Assassin’s Creed, your free roaming movement skills are pushed to the limit. In this game all the actions seem more fluent and faster than before. Though like the other game can have those moments where you could just keep running into a wall but I think that is more down to the player than the actual game. A workman always blames his tools.


The Graphics:

Like all games in general, this game improves by enhancing the detail in everything you see. Outstanding vibrant colours make this a marvel to look at. I love exploring all the cities and maps to see what is around as (like the first game) each environment is create as close to the real world locations that were built in that era.


The Music:

Since the unsatisfying attempt with the music in the first game, Assassin’s Creed II certainly made up for their faults resulting in making one of the best games I have played that has this amount of emotion in each instrumental. And for the very first time Assassin’s Creed has its very own theme tune. An example of this is when the first intro credits kick in. As soon as the music starts I get goose bumps and not a lot of game instrumentals can do that.

Assassin’s Creed 2 – Ezios Family

So all in all this is a fantastic game that holds yet another cliff hanger and sets the course for the next Assassin’s Creed game. That is why I have given this game … 9/10

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