Brentwood: currently 2°C, cloudy
high today 5°C, low tonight 2°C
sunrise 07:56, sunset 16:21
Now playing:
White Stripes - Fell In Love With A Girl
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Looking like Xmas

Wednesday 7 December 2016,

Well we are here, December and the weird and humble 2016 year is getting geared up for the final push read more

Hands three

Wednesday 21 September 2016,

Well I hope you caught this weeks live radio show?, as I struggled with some important things and some maybe read more

Mesh Looking

Wednesday 31 August 2016,

As August 2016 is racing to close off our summer, we had yet more new music and to cap it read more

Synthetic Attraction

Wednesday 10 August 2016,

Well it is yet another busy year, as August is fully online and I have a very busy day, today, read more

Almost an anniversary

Wednesday 1 June 2016,

  We have now come to the end of another month and oddly almost to an anniversary, as Synth City read more

Record store day Cometh

Wednesday 13 April 2016,

As the month of April bounces along, we look to the fourth coming Record Store Day, which annually looks to read more

Label it right

Wednesday 23 March 2016,

This weeks show I almost had a Barry Norman moment… Film review meltdown on my talkie bit, along with a read more

Synth Awakens

Wednesday 16 December 2015,

What a weekend I have just had, at Synthetic Xmas. We were treated to some great Synth bands and I read more

Before the future

Wednesday 21 October 2015,

Another busy week for me and its only Tuesday, well.. when I say busy I mean with regards to sorting read more

Tenek and Cake

Wednesday 23 September 2015,

As the month of September rattles ever closer to its end, we had yet more studio guests to chat and read more

Model depose the ekkoes

Saturday 15 November 2014,

Yet another busy show with a wealth of new music to introduce and while away the Saturday Morning. We were read more