Brentwood: currently 4°C, light rain
high today 4°C, low tonight 2°C
sunrise 07:26, sunset 16:58
Now playing:
Charli XCX and Sam Smith - In The City
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You Absolute Cow – which is good! (Ep219)

Saturday 16 July 2022,

It would seem like a heck of a challenge to come up with enough tracks that link to cows to read more

Celebrate the Workaholics (Ep218)

Saturday 16 July 2022,

Who cares that it’s Bikini Day? No, Mechanical Pencil Day is not interesting. We should all be working really hard read more

Wimbledon is Go! (Ep217)

Monday 4 July 2022,

This week, Ben plays a whole heap of tracks that link to the wonderful world of tennis. Some of the read more

Let’s Enjoy World Music Day! (Ep 216)

Monday 4 July 2022,

Is there a better way to celebrate World Music Day than by playing music? With the word music in the read more

Alphabet ‘C’ Special (Ep215)

Wednesday 15 June 2022,

On International Bath Day (WHAT?) let’s all ignore that and embrace the letter C instead. Who cares about baths? They read more

Smell My Ice Cream – it’s Chocolate! (Ep214)

Thursday 9 June 2022,

Wacky holidays are in full flow again as we all enjoy Chocolate Ice Cream Day, Bed Bug Awareness Week and read more

Smile at Driverless Cars (Ep213)

Thursday 9 June 2022,

It’s another marvellous episode. This week Ben looks at the world of smiles, the world of autonomous vehicles and some read more