Brentwood: currently 3°C, cloudy
high today 4°C, low tonight 2°C
sunrise 07:50, sunset 16:30
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False Confidence
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A Massive Price

Wednesday 25 May 2016,

Show Twitter: @Electronicrv – Show Facebook: Here we all are again, vastly approaching the end of another busy bee of read more

Go Ape real

Wednesday 20 April 2016,

Going ape into April with lots more lovely and eclectic electronic music, this week. I recently had the chance to read more

Wind yawning

Wednesday 18 November 2015,

This week I sailed into the Phoenix FM studio, care of Barney….the cutely named string wind front we had- glad read more

Sputnik and party

Wednesday 22 July 2015,

Yet another month draws in, and yet more more music floods my way. Which is a delight, and talking of read more

A Normal Green

Wednesday 15 July 2015,

Always a delight to have new music on the show and indeed guests, especially when they bring biscuits and news read more

Intoxicated Sunshine

Saturday 28 June 2014,

Fairly fast paced breakfast show again, with new music from US band, The Mystic Underground, anglo french band, Neutral Lies, read more

Bedsit land my only home

Saturday 16 November 2013,

It may be cold out side but you have to get out there among it; so to speak, and I read more

BAS to reality

Saturday 1 June 2013,

Our review of this year’s electronic festival in Basildon

Christmas boxed clever

Saturday 15 December 2012,

After my little weekend away, it was indeed a delight to be back in the Phoenix FM studio, and even read more

Fireworks and wrapping

Saturday 17 November 2012,

It is all very good people getting excited about Christmas, but what about Easter or pancake Sunday.. Still if it read more