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Charity brings back inclusive nightclub fun with Starburst

Paul Golder writes for the Brentwood Gazette

After a long break, Starburst is set to rumble in Brentwood once again!

Starbust is an evening organised by Brentwood charity Frontline Partnership. It promises an inclusive nightclub night for those with, and without, a disability.

Samantha Deeks from Frontline came into the studio with Jamie and David to talk to our Drive host, Jo Bailey, about the importance of these events and her aim to make it a success, which will ensure similar nights in the future.

The first event takes place from 7pm-10pm on Thursday 21 November at Old Brentwoods Rugby Club in Ashwells Road and is a collaboration with another local charity, Wipe Away Those Tears, who are sponsoring the event.

Starbust is the latest initiative from the charity after the recent success of Meet Up Mondays.

You can hear their interview with Jo Bailey again at and find out more about the good work that Frontline does at

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Charity brings back inclusive nightclub fun with Starburst

Paul Golder writes for the Brentwood Gazette

After a long break, Starburst is set to rumble in Brentwood once again!

Starbust is an evening organised by Brentwood charity Frontline Partnership. It promises an inclusive nightclub night for those with, and without, a disability.

Samantha Deeks from Frontline came into the studio with Jamie and David to talk to our Drive host, Jo Bailey, about the importance of these events and her aim to make it a success, which will ensure similar nights in the future.

The first event takes place from 7pm-10pm on Thursday 21 November at Old Brentwoods Rugby Club in Ashwells Road and is a collaboration with another local charity, Wipe Away Those Tears, who are sponsoring the event.

Starbust is the latest initiative from the charity after the recent success of Meet Up Mondays.

You can hear their interview with Jo Bailey again at and find out more about the good work that Frontline does at

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Charity brings back inclusive nightclub fun with Starburst

Paul Golder writes for the Brentwood Gazette

After a long break, Starburst is set to rumble in Brentwood once again!

Starbust is an evening organised by Brentwood charity Frontline Partnership. It promises an inclusive nightclub night for those with, and without, a disability.

Samantha Deeks from Frontline came into the studio with Jamie and David to talk to our Drive host, Jo Bailey, about the importance of these events and her aim to make it a success, which will ensure similar nights in the future.

The first event takes place from 7pm-10pm on Thursday 21 November at Old Brentwoods Rugby Club in Ashwells Road and is a collaboration with another local charity, Wipe Away Those Tears, who are sponsoring the event.

Starbust is the latest initiative from the charity after the recent success of Meet Up Mondays.

You can hear their interview with Jo Bailey again at and find out more about the good work that Frontline does at

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Charity brings back inclusive nightclub fun with Starburst

Paul Golder writes for the Brentwood Gazette

After a long break, Starburst is set to rumble in Brentwood once again!

Starbust is an evening organised by Brentwood charity Frontline Partnership. It promises an inclusive nightclub night for those with, and without, a disability.

Samantha Deeks from Frontline came into the studio with Jamie and David to talk to our Drive host, Jo Bailey, about the importance of these events and her aim to make it a success, which will ensure similar nights in the future.

The first event takes place from 7pm-10pm on Thursday 21 November at Old Brentwoods Rugby Club in Ashwells Road and is a collaboration with another local charity, Wipe Away Those Tears, who are sponsoring the event.

Starbust is the latest initiative from the charity after the recent success of Meet Up Mondays.

You can hear their interview with Jo Bailey again at and find out more about the good work that Frontline does at

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