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Essex Business Partnerships – The Budget with Clive

We discover what capital gains actually means for individuals and businesses.
Sally & Karen of Essex Business Partnerships invited one of their members Clive Purdy to discusses the recent budget, what Capital Gains, Stamp Duty and National insurance means and the how the budget affects individuals and businesses.

Sally & Karen catch us up with all the latest news on networking opportunities. Including the EBP Christmas get together.

Essex Business Partnerships
Clive Purdy

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Essex Business Partnerships - The Budget with Clive
Jo Bailey
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Essex Business Partnerships – The Budget with Clive

We discover what capital gains actually means for individuals and businesses.
Sally & Karen of Essex Business Partnerships invited one of their members Clive Purdy to discusses the recent budget, what Capital Gains, Stamp Duty and National insurance means and the how the budget affects individuals and businesses.

Sally & Karen catch us up with all the latest news on networking opportunities. Including the EBP Christmas get together.

Essex Business Partnerships
Clive Purdy

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Essex Business Partnerships - The Budget with Clive
Jo Bailey
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Essex Business Partnerships – The Budget with Clive

We discover what capital gains actually means for individuals and businesses.
Sally & Karen of Essex Business Partnerships invited one of their members Clive Purdy to discusses the recent budget, what Capital Gains, Stamp Duty and National insurance means and the how the budget affects individuals and businesses.

Sally & Karen catch us up with all the latest news on networking opportunities. Including the EBP Christmas get together.

Essex Business Partnerships
Clive Purdy

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Essex Business Partnerships - The Budget with Clive
Jo Bailey
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Essex Business Partnerships – The Budget with Clive

We discover what capital gains actually means for individuals and businesses.
Sally & Karen of Essex Business Partnerships invited one of their members Clive Purdy to discusses the recent budget, what Capital Gains, Stamp Duty and National insurance means and the how the budget affects individuals and businesses.

Sally & Karen catch us up with all the latest news on networking opportunities. Including the EBP Christmas get together.

Essex Business Partnerships
Clive Purdy

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Essex Business Partnerships - The Budget with Clive
Jo Bailey
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