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Dog owners, beware!

I guess we’ve all seen news reports of women being arrested by the “religious police” in Iran, for being improperly dressed – appearing without a hijab or headscarf.

Well now it seems that dog owners there could also find themselves in the crosshairs of the authorities, especially in the capital, Tehran where it is illegal to walk your dog, allegedly because dogs can cause fear or anxiety in public places.

Activities such as playing with, stroking or exercising dogs, which are considered “unclean”, and thought by some as “harming the Islamic culture and the safety and peace of mind of other people, especially women and children”, are also to be forbidden.

Dog ownership has been a growing trend in the country, particularly among the urban middle and upper classes in major cities like Tehran.

But now residents are also even prohibited from driving around town with a dog in the car, as this could be seen as a symbol of westernisation.

Anyone who ignores police warnings could also be fined up to 100m rials ($3,740 – £2,350) – perhaps they could have a “whip round”!

Oh it seems they do as miscreants may get 74 lashes as well!

And just for good measure they will probably find that their pet is confiscated, especially as more widely the authorities there are seeking to prohibit pet ownership altogether which would then  require a permit from a special committee for pet ownership.  

Confiscated pets would then be moved to “a zoo, forest or desert”, with owners having have to foot the bill for the transfer.

There are some notable exceptions for farmers, shepherds and licensed hunters.

After our visit to the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN in the first hour of today’s show, we are now heading west into a totally different environment over in the USA, where a group of panic struck tourists lost in a maze called emergency services to guide them to the exit.

Apparently the 63-acre Cool Patch Pumpkins corn maze near Sacramento, California is the largest maze in the world but having become separated from the rest of the group as the sun began to set,  and perhaps fearing a murderous Jean-Baptiste Grenouille-type lurking behind a hedge or a hulking Minotaur émigré roaming the maze’s corridors, the tourists frantically dialled 911.

Amazingly no one in the group had the sense of picking a single direction and walking through the corn.

Daryl Snedeker, a deputy from the Solano County Sheriff’s Department, said ‘I think they were just overwhelmed. You can get a little worked up when you can’t get out of a place and everything looks the same.’

Owner of the maze, Matt Cooley, pointed out that he has staff who’s sole job is to track down stranded visitors.

Wonder were they were when they were needed.

In the bar, perhaps!

Assuming I don’t get lost on the way home, I hope to see you again tomorrow,




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Dog owners, beware!

I guess we’ve all seen news reports of women being arrested by the “religious police” in Iran, for being improperly dressed – appearing without a hijab or headscarf.

Well now it seems that dog owners there could also find themselves in the crosshairs of the authorities, especially in the capital, Tehran where it is illegal to walk your dog, allegedly because dogs can cause fear or anxiety in public places.

Activities such as playing with, stroking or exercising dogs, which are considered “unclean”, and thought by some as “harming the Islamic culture and the safety and peace of mind of other people, especially women and children”, are also to be forbidden.

Dog ownership has been a growing trend in the country, particularly among the urban middle and upper classes in major cities like Tehran.

But now residents are also even prohibited from driving around town with a dog in the car, as this could be seen as a symbol of westernisation.

Anyone who ignores police warnings could also be fined up to 100m rials ($3,740 – £2,350) – perhaps they could have a “whip round”!

Oh it seems they do as miscreants may get 74 lashes as well!

And just for good measure they will probably find that their pet is confiscated, especially as more widely the authorities there are seeking to prohibit pet ownership altogether which would then  require a permit from a special committee for pet ownership.  

Confiscated pets would then be moved to “a zoo, forest or desert”, with owners having have to foot the bill for the transfer.

There are some notable exceptions for farmers, shepherds and licensed hunters.

After our visit to the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN in the first hour of today’s show, we are now heading west into a totally different environment over in the USA, where a group of panic struck tourists lost in a maze called emergency services to guide them to the exit.

Apparently the 63-acre Cool Patch Pumpkins corn maze near Sacramento, California is the largest maze in the world but having become separated from the rest of the group as the sun began to set,  and perhaps fearing a murderous Jean-Baptiste Grenouille-type lurking behind a hedge or a hulking Minotaur émigré roaming the maze’s corridors, the tourists frantically dialled 911.

Amazingly no one in the group had the sense of picking a single direction and walking through the corn.

Daryl Snedeker, a deputy from the Solano County Sheriff’s Department, said ‘I think they were just overwhelmed. You can get a little worked up when you can’t get out of a place and everything looks the same.’

Owner of the maze, Matt Cooley, pointed out that he has staff who’s sole job is to track down stranded visitors.

Wonder were they were when they were needed.

In the bar, perhaps!

Assuming I don’t get lost on the way home, I hope to see you again tomorrow,




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Dog owners, beware!

I guess we’ve all seen news reports of women being arrested by the “religious police” in Iran, for being improperly dressed – appearing without a hijab or headscarf.

Well now it seems that dog owners there could also find themselves in the crosshairs of the authorities, especially in the capital, Tehran where it is illegal to walk your dog, allegedly because dogs can cause fear or anxiety in public places.

Activities such as playing with, stroking or exercising dogs, which are considered “unclean”, and thought by some as “harming the Islamic culture and the safety and peace of mind of other people, especially women and children”, are also to be forbidden.

Dog ownership has been a growing trend in the country, particularly among the urban middle and upper classes in major cities like Tehran.

But now residents are also even prohibited from driving around town with a dog in the car, as this could be seen as a symbol of westernisation.

Anyone who ignores police warnings could also be fined up to 100m rials ($3,740 – £2,350) – perhaps they could have a “whip round”!

Oh it seems they do as miscreants may get 74 lashes as well!

And just for good measure they will probably find that their pet is confiscated, especially as more widely the authorities there are seeking to prohibit pet ownership altogether which would then  require a permit from a special committee for pet ownership.  

Confiscated pets would then be moved to “a zoo, forest or desert”, with owners having have to foot the bill for the transfer.

There are some notable exceptions for farmers, shepherds and licensed hunters.

After our visit to the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN in the first hour of today’s show, we are now heading west into a totally different environment over in the USA, where a group of panic struck tourists lost in a maze called emergency services to guide them to the exit.

Apparently the 63-acre Cool Patch Pumpkins corn maze near Sacramento, California is the largest maze in the world but having become separated from the rest of the group as the sun began to set,  and perhaps fearing a murderous Jean-Baptiste Grenouille-type lurking behind a hedge or a hulking Minotaur émigré roaming the maze’s corridors, the tourists frantically dialled 911.

Amazingly no one in the group had the sense of picking a single direction and walking through the corn.

Daryl Snedeker, a deputy from the Solano County Sheriff’s Department, said ‘I think they were just overwhelmed. You can get a little worked up when you can’t get out of a place and everything looks the same.’

Owner of the maze, Matt Cooley, pointed out that he has staff who’s sole job is to track down stranded visitors.

Wonder were they were when they were needed.

In the bar, perhaps!

Assuming I don’t get lost on the way home, I hope to see you again tomorrow,




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Dog owners, beware!

I guess we’ve all seen news reports of women being arrested by the “religious police” in Iran, for being improperly dressed – appearing without a hijab or headscarf.

Well now it seems that dog owners there could also find themselves in the crosshairs of the authorities, especially in the capital, Tehran where it is illegal to walk your dog, allegedly because dogs can cause fear or anxiety in public places.

Activities such as playing with, stroking or exercising dogs, which are considered “unclean”, and thought by some as “harming the Islamic culture and the safety and peace of mind of other people, especially women and children”, are also to be forbidden.

Dog ownership has been a growing trend in the country, particularly among the urban middle and upper classes in major cities like Tehran.

But now residents are also even prohibited from driving around town with a dog in the car, as this could be seen as a symbol of westernisation.

Anyone who ignores police warnings could also be fined up to 100m rials ($3,740 – £2,350) – perhaps they could have a “whip round”!

Oh it seems they do as miscreants may get 74 lashes as well!

And just for good measure they will probably find that their pet is confiscated, especially as more widely the authorities there are seeking to prohibit pet ownership altogether which would then  require a permit from a special committee for pet ownership.  

Confiscated pets would then be moved to “a zoo, forest or desert”, with owners having have to foot the bill for the transfer.

There are some notable exceptions for farmers, shepherds and licensed hunters.

After our visit to the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN in the first hour of today’s show, we are now heading west into a totally different environment over in the USA, where a group of panic struck tourists lost in a maze called emergency services to guide them to the exit.

Apparently the 63-acre Cool Patch Pumpkins corn maze near Sacramento, California is the largest maze in the world but having become separated from the rest of the group as the sun began to set,  and perhaps fearing a murderous Jean-Baptiste Grenouille-type lurking behind a hedge or a hulking Minotaur émigré roaming the maze’s corridors, the tourists frantically dialled 911.

Amazingly no one in the group had the sense of picking a single direction and walking through the corn.

Daryl Snedeker, a deputy from the Solano County Sheriff’s Department, said ‘I think they were just overwhelmed. You can get a little worked up when you can’t get out of a place and everything looks the same.’

Owner of the maze, Matt Cooley, pointed out that he has staff who’s sole job is to track down stranded visitors.

Wonder were they were when they were needed.

In the bar, perhaps!

Assuming I don’t get lost on the way home, I hope to see you again tomorrow,




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