Tonight’s show is hosted by Grant Conway, Trevor Singfield, Keren Harrison and Barri Twinn.
At the start of the show, Keren announces some BREAKING NEWS regarding this season’s End of Season Awards Dinner to be held in May 2025.
The Panel reviews the performances this week v Birmingham City (EFL League One) and Millwall (Carabao Cup Second Round). They also discuss the player performances after hearing what Richie had to say post Millwall; who they want to draw in the Third Round of the Carabao Cup; and if we need anyone else in during this transfer window.
We also hear from Martin Berry (Shrewsbury Town season card holder) in advance of our visit on Saturday.
There are also the usual slots from Dulcet Dave with Victor’s Views and Mat Roper with Roper’s Rant.
Enjoy the show!