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Ep 22 How yoga for men can improve mental health and even their golf swing – Is Michael Buble listening???

How yoga for men can improve their mental health and even their golf swing.
Men that lift weights come along to Michelle’s class, as it helps with their flexibility & range of motions.

Did you know that yoga was created by a man?

Michelle Spencers Website

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Ep 22 - Benefits of Yoga for men - Is Michael Buble Listening?
Jo Bailey
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Ep 22 How yoga for men can improve mental health and even their golf swing – Is Michael Buble listening???

How yoga for men can improve their mental health and even their golf swing.
Men that lift weights come along to Michelle’s class, as it helps with their flexibility & range of motions.

Did you know that yoga was created by a man?

Michelle Spencers Website

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Ep 22 - Benefits of Yoga for men - Is Michael Buble Listening?
Jo Bailey
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Ep 22 How yoga for men can improve mental health and even their golf swing – Is Michael Buble listening???

How yoga for men can improve their mental health and even their golf swing.
Men that lift weights come along to Michelle’s class, as it helps with their flexibility & range of motions.

Did you know that yoga was created by a man?

Michelle Spencers Website

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Ep 22 - Benefits of Yoga for men - Is Michael Buble Listening?
Jo Bailey
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Ep 22 How yoga for men can improve mental health and even their golf swing – Is Michael Buble listening???

How yoga for men can improve their mental health and even their golf swing.
Men that lift weights come along to Michelle’s class, as it helps with their flexibility & range of motions.

Did you know that yoga was created by a man?

Michelle Spencers Website

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Ep 22 - Benefits of Yoga for men - Is Michael Buble Listening?
Jo Bailey
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