Brentwood: currently 9°C, moderate rain
high today 11°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 5.34am, sunset 8.16pm
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Calvin Harris and Rag 'n' Bone Man - Giant
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Apu Vyas – Chair Inclusive Irons WHU

Apu Vyas – Ukulele playing, tough mudder running Co-Chair of Inclusive Irons, joined Jo in the studio to talk all things Inclusive Irons

Working with local community, barriers parts of the community face, ‘subconscious negatives’.

Inclusive Irons Website

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Apu Vyas - Inclusive Irons - WHU
Jo Bailey

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Apu Vyas – Chair Inclusive Irons WHU

Apu Vyas – Ukulele playing, tough mudder running Co-Chair of Inclusive Irons, joined Jo in the studio to talk all things Inclusive Irons

Working with local community, barriers parts of the community face, ‘subconscious negatives’.

Inclusive Irons Website

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Apu Vyas - Inclusive Irons - WHU
Jo Bailey

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Apu Vyas – Chair Inclusive Irons WHU

Apu Vyas – Ukulele playing, tough mudder running Co-Chair of Inclusive Irons, joined Jo in the studio to talk all things Inclusive Irons

Working with local community, barriers parts of the community face, ‘subconscious negatives’.

Inclusive Irons Website

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Apu Vyas - Inclusive Irons - WHU
Jo Bailey

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Apu Vyas – Chair Inclusive Irons WHU

Apu Vyas – Ukulele playing, tough mudder running Co-Chair of Inclusive Irons, joined Jo in the studio to talk all things Inclusive Irons

Working with local community, barriers parts of the community face, ‘subconscious negatives’.

Inclusive Irons Website

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Apu Vyas - Inclusive Irons - WHU
Jo Bailey

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