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How to Provide Your Teenagers with a Safe Haven

Your teenager has entered the most trying time of their life. Dealing with hormones and the additional stress that comes from school life as well as the introduction into the adult world, can have a colossal impact. Feeling like they are still kids but too old to be treated like one – and yet too young to be treated like an adult – can leave them feeling alienated and frustrated with the world.

The best thing you can do for your teen is provide them with a safe haven and place they can call their own.

#1 Private space

Your teen will require some space to call their own that can be a safe haven away from siblings and parents. Even if they are not contributing to the monthly bills, you should still be prepared to knock before entering and be courteous of their desire to keep the world out. It is likely that you also went through the same point when you were growing up; however, your teen may not appreciate you trying to ‘understand’ them or their needs.

#2 Furnished comfortably

You should ensure that their space is furnished in a comfortable manner. It is likely to be the one place in the home where they spend most of their time, so asking them about their furnishing preferences and color schemes is a good idea.

As their space will need to be multifunctional, you will also need to ensure that you encapsulate, as best you can, all the different uses your teen will have for the space. For instance, they may also want some seating aside from the bed. Some Fombag bean bags could be ideal for this, as they come in different sizes and have an array of covers to choose from.

#3 Include all that they require

Of course, the furnishing requirements will not stop there. Your teen will want to use their own space for gaming as well as socializing, so having somewhere where they can sit and use their computer is a must.

If they enjoy watching movies, they will probably want to use their computer to stream them, too, so having them positioned so they can be comfortable and relaxed while watching could be a good idea. Undoubtedly, they are also going to need some clever storage in this area so that they can study and put any work or literature away when they have finished.

Every teenager will eventually require some sleep, and providing them with a quality mattress and good bedding will provide them with the best chance of getting the quality of sleep that they will need to help them cope and get through the next day.

Final thoughts

Every household that has had a teen living in it will understand the stress and tension that goes along with it. However, providing your teen with somewhere safe to retire to where they will be with minimal interaction or interruption could be the best thing. When your teen is feeling social, they will no doubt join you and the rest of the family; otherwise, it is safe to say that friends of the same age group will be the chosen companions whether in person in their space, on the phone or via text or group messaging service or out and about at regular haunts.


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