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6 Phoenix Car Accident Statistics You Must Know About

Phoenix is one of the largest cities in the United States. Due to this, there are very busy streets and highways all over. In this case, their share of accidents is also on the rise now and then.

The accident statistics in this location are quite alarming. If you are a resident of this city or just a visitor, knowing the accident statistics may help increase your concentration while driving.

In this article, you will learn about these accident statistics and more.

Let’s go further:

Below are some of the main car accident statistics as of now:

A lot of Accidents Around Intersections

Phoenix is large, and there are several intersections everywhere. Reports showed that in the first few months of 2023, 40% of car accidents occurred at intersections. Most of these accidents proved a lack of concentration by the drivers around these intersections.

Several traffic occurrences happen around intersections. Different vehicles come from all directions, making it hard for ignorant motorists to make complete turns. Therefore, they end up causing accidents by crashing into others.

The city is undertaking several intersection safety measures to curb this menace. One of the leading ways is by raising awareness about the high accident rates around intersections and how to stop them.

Lack of Seatbelt Usage

Most drivers and even passengers around Phoenix don’t use seatbelts. A lack of seatbelt usage was the reason for approximately 15% of car accident fatalities in late 2022. This fatality rate indicates how adherence to using seatbelts can save many lives.

There are currently tough laws that are working to ensure drivers and passengers use seatbelts. The local authorities have passed these laws to try and control the injury and accident rates of motorists who ignore seatbelts.

High Overspeeding Rate

One of the main killers on the highways in Phoenix is overspeeding. Lack of adherence to the speed limit signs around the city has contributed to approximately 30% of the total road accidents. The high speeds have led to severe collisions that result in zero survival chances in the event of a crash.

Several radar-controlled signs and speed bumps exist across all major Phonex roads. These measures have not yet brought down the accident rates, but hopes are high. Automatic speed cameras and traffic police have also teamed up to try and enforce laws against overspeeding.

High Drunk Driving Rate

Drunk driving is a major problem across American cities. In Phoenix, the situation is not that different. According to studies, 33.3% of the accidents in this city result from drunk driving. This is because most drivers under the influence experience impaired judgment, thus leading to catastrophes.

During these accidents, some users were under the influence of hard drugs. These cases have led to the onset of tough laws to regulate accidents caused by alcohol and drug abuse.

High Number of Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is among the most recent road crash issues across many American cities. In the last five years, 25% of accidents occurred because of distracted driving. Most of the drivers under arrest after the accidents confessed to having been texting.

In a few cases, some drivers tried adjusting the radio and lost concentration. However, most were on smartphones, trying to navigate the roads using apps or communicating.

Increase in the Total Accident Deaths

The number of deaths due to accidents from various causes has been on the rise. The accident death rate is around 50%, which is very high compared to previous years. The injury rate is also alarming since most of the survivors end up with life-changing problems.


Statistics about the level of car accidents in Phoenix indicate how alarming the situation is. As a driver in this city, you must be keen to avoid falling prey to the high number of deaths or injuries. Local authorities are also doing their best to enforce the laws that may save people from road accidents.

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