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sunrise 07:54, sunset 15:49
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The Orient Hour – s07 e32 – hosted by Trevor Singfield, Rich Priest, Keren Harrison and special guest, O’s legend, Steve Castle

Tonight’s show is hosted by Trevor Singfield, Rich Priest, Keren Harrison and special guest, O’s legend, Steve Castle.

The Panel discuss the O’s recent performances v Walsall and Rochdale; we hear from Steve Castle who talks about his career including his time at the O’s as well his current role at Royston; and we also hear Victor’s Views (sponsored by E3 Security Services) and from Richie Wellens post Rochdale.

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The Orient Hour – s07 e32 – hosted by Trevor Singfield, Rich Priest, Keren Harrison and special guest, O’s legend, Steve Castle

Tonight’s show is hosted by Trevor Singfield, Rich Priest, Keren Harrison and special guest, O’s legend, Steve Castle.

The Panel discuss the O’s recent performances v Walsall and Rochdale; we hear from Steve Castle who talks about his career including his time at the O’s as well his current role at Royston; and we also hear Victor’s Views (sponsored by E3 Security Services) and from Richie Wellens post Rochdale.

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The Orient Hour – s07 e32 – hosted by Trevor Singfield, Rich Priest, Keren Harrison and special guest, O’s legend, Steve Castle

Tonight’s show is hosted by Trevor Singfield, Rich Priest, Keren Harrison and special guest, O’s legend, Steve Castle.

The Panel discuss the O’s recent performances v Walsall and Rochdale; we hear from Steve Castle who talks about his career including his time at the O’s as well his current role at Royston; and we also hear Victor’s Views (sponsored by E3 Security Services) and from Richie Wellens post Rochdale.

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The Orient Hour – s07 e32 – hosted by Trevor Singfield, Rich Priest, Keren Harrison and special guest, O’s legend, Steve Castle

Tonight’s show is hosted by Trevor Singfield, Rich Priest, Keren Harrison and special guest, O’s legend, Steve Castle.

The Panel discuss the O’s recent performances v Walsall and Rochdale; we hear from Steve Castle who talks about his career including his time at the O’s as well his current role at Royston; and we also hear Victor’s Views (sponsored by E3 Security Services) and from Richie Wellens post Rochdale.

Enjoy the show!

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