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sunrise 07:54, sunset 15:49
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Reasons to be Cheerful

With all the awful news lately, I’ve decided to include a new regular feature on the show – Reasons to be Cheerful. The very first one today included:-

Sea otters hold hands when they sleep.

They do that because it keeps them from floating away from each other while they sleep. Here are some other fun facts about animals.


Cows have best friends.

And they tend to experience lower levels of stress when they’re hanging out with them!.


Fact: Norway Once knighted a penguin.

His name is Sir Nils Olav III, and he lives in Edinburgh Zoo. Three other members of his were family also made honorary members of the elite guard.


A single strand of spaghetti is technically called a ‘spaghetto’


The person who invented the “Knock Knock” joke has just been awarded the Nobel prize

More next week!

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Reasons to be Cheerful

With all the awful news lately, I’ve decided to include a new regular feature on the show – Reasons to be Cheerful. The very first one today included:-

Sea otters hold hands when they sleep.

They do that because it keeps them from floating away from each other while they sleep. Here are some other fun facts about animals.


Cows have best friends.

And they tend to experience lower levels of stress when they’re hanging out with them!.


Fact: Norway Once knighted a penguin.

His name is Sir Nils Olav III, and he lives in Edinburgh Zoo. Three other members of his were family also made honorary members of the elite guard.


A single strand of spaghetti is technically called a ‘spaghetto’


The person who invented the “Knock Knock” joke has just been awarded the Nobel prize

More next week!

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Reasons to be Cheerful

With all the awful news lately, I’ve decided to include a new regular feature on the show – Reasons to be Cheerful. The very first one today included:-

Sea otters hold hands when they sleep.

They do that because it keeps them from floating away from each other while they sleep. Here are some other fun facts about animals.


Cows have best friends.

And they tend to experience lower levels of stress when they’re hanging out with them!.


Fact: Norway Once knighted a penguin.

His name is Sir Nils Olav III, and he lives in Edinburgh Zoo. Three other members of his were family also made honorary members of the elite guard.


A single strand of spaghetti is technically called a ‘spaghetto’


The person who invented the “Knock Knock” joke has just been awarded the Nobel prize

More next week!

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Reasons to be Cheerful

With all the awful news lately, I’ve decided to include a new regular feature on the show – Reasons to be Cheerful. The very first one today included:-

Sea otters hold hands when they sleep.

They do that because it keeps them from floating away from each other while they sleep. Here are some other fun facts about animals.


Cows have best friends.

And they tend to experience lower levels of stress when they’re hanging out with them!.


Fact: Norway Once knighted a penguin.

His name is Sir Nils Olav III, and he lives in Edinburgh Zoo. Three other members of his were family also made honorary members of the elite guard.


A single strand of spaghetti is technically called a ‘spaghetto’


The person who invented the “Knock Knock” joke has just been awarded the Nobel prize

More next week!

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