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Beresfords offers to pay Essex resident’s utility bills for one year

Essex-based property group Beresfords is offering to pay one Essex-based resident’s utility bills for one year, up to the value of £2,000, as part of its Utilities Campaign.

The campaign follows the recent hike in gas and electricity prices, as well as the cost-of-living crisis, and has been launched to help someone who needs it most.

Paul Beresford, chief executive officer of Beresfords, said: “We know that thousands of people across the country are concerned about rising energy costs and we understand the impact this is having on family life.

“We’re committed to supporting people in any way we can, particularly in the communities we work in, which is why we are offering a helping hand to one Essex-based resident. Hopefully this will make a real difference to someone.”

Entries for the competition are via the Beresfords newsletter, which can be found on the website. The competition closes on Friday 31 March 2023 and terms and conditions apply.

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Beresfords offers to pay Essex resident’s utility bills for one year

Essex-based property group Beresfords is offering to pay one Essex-based resident’s utility bills for one year, up to the value of £2,000, as part of its Utilities Campaign.

The campaign follows the recent hike in gas and electricity prices, as well as the cost-of-living crisis, and has been launched to help someone who needs it most.

Paul Beresford, chief executive officer of Beresfords, said: “We know that thousands of people across the country are concerned about rising energy costs and we understand the impact this is having on family life.

“We’re committed to supporting people in any way we can, particularly in the communities we work in, which is why we are offering a helping hand to one Essex-based resident. Hopefully this will make a real difference to someone.”

Entries for the competition are via the Beresfords newsletter, which can be found on the website. The competition closes on Friday 31 March 2023 and terms and conditions apply.

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Beresfords offers to pay Essex resident’s utility bills for one year

Essex-based property group Beresfords is offering to pay one Essex-based resident’s utility bills for one year, up to the value of £2,000, as part of its Utilities Campaign.

The campaign follows the recent hike in gas and electricity prices, as well as the cost-of-living crisis, and has been launched to help someone who needs it most.

Paul Beresford, chief executive officer of Beresfords, said: “We know that thousands of people across the country are concerned about rising energy costs and we understand the impact this is having on family life.

“We’re committed to supporting people in any way we can, particularly in the communities we work in, which is why we are offering a helping hand to one Essex-based resident. Hopefully this will make a real difference to someone.”

Entries for the competition are via the Beresfords newsletter, which can be found on the website. The competition closes on Friday 31 March 2023 and terms and conditions apply.

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Beresfords offers to pay Essex resident’s utility bills for one year

Essex-based property group Beresfords is offering to pay one Essex-based resident’s utility bills for one year, up to the value of £2,000, as part of its Utilities Campaign.

The campaign follows the recent hike in gas and electricity prices, as well as the cost-of-living crisis, and has been launched to help someone who needs it most.

Paul Beresford, chief executive officer of Beresfords, said: “We know that thousands of people across the country are concerned about rising energy costs and we understand the impact this is having on family life.

“We’re committed to supporting people in any way we can, particularly in the communities we work in, which is why we are offering a helping hand to one Essex-based resident. Hopefully this will make a real difference to someone.”

Entries for the competition are via the Beresfords newsletter, which can be found on the website. The competition closes on Friday 31 March 2023 and terms and conditions apply.

To find out more or to enter, please visit:

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