Brentwood: currently 11°C, some cloud
high today 12°C, low tonight 9°C
sunrise 07:43, sunset 15:52
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The Rock Sisters – suffragettes from Ingatestone


Being a Tuesday I was joined once more by Margaret Mills who had a tale to tell about a couple of sisters from Ingatestone, who as well as being the daughters of an important tea merchant in the town, were also suffragettes, who it seems had no qualms of taking on the authorities of the day.

Listen here to what Margaret had to say about their activities: –

Hope to catch you again next week,

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The Rock Sisters – suffragettes from Ingatestone


Being a Tuesday I was joined once more by Margaret Mills who had a tale to tell about a couple of sisters from Ingatestone, who as well as being the daughters of an important tea merchant in the town, were also suffragettes, who it seems had no qualms of taking on the authorities of the day.

Listen here to what Margaret had to say about their activities: –

Hope to catch you again next week,

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The Rock Sisters – suffragettes from Ingatestone


Being a Tuesday I was joined once more by Margaret Mills who had a tale to tell about a couple of sisters from Ingatestone, who as well as being the daughters of an important tea merchant in the town, were also suffragettes, who it seems had no qualms of taking on the authorities of the day.

Listen here to what Margaret had to say about their activities: –

Hope to catch you again next week,

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The Rock Sisters – suffragettes from Ingatestone


Being a Tuesday I was joined once more by Margaret Mills who had a tale to tell about a couple of sisters from Ingatestone, who as well as being the daughters of an important tea merchant in the town, were also suffragettes, who it seems had no qualms of taking on the authorities of the day.

Listen here to what Margaret had to say about their activities: –

Hope to catch you again next week,

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