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98 Not Out – with Ali Martin, cricket writer at “The Guardian”.

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Last time we spoke to Ali Martin, he was in Adelaide covering England’s 2021/22 Ashes tour Down Under. It was a low point for England cricket, which was to get even worse shortly after when the side toured the West Indies. Yet here we are, barely a year later and the turnaround in fortunes has been astonishing and Ali has seen the change first hand writing for The Guardian. His thoughts are fascinating.

Ali has also written an article in his newspaper this week about Brendan McCallum and Ben Stokes sharing their ethos with county coaches to try and help them better prepare players for the step up to. the national squad. We discuss it in the chat; you can read it here:

click here to read Ali’s piece in The Guardian

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98 Not Out – with Ali Martin, cricket writer at “The Guardian”.

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Last time we spoke to Ali Martin, he was in Adelaide covering England’s 2021/22 Ashes tour Down Under. It was a low point for England cricket, which was to get even worse shortly after when the side toured the West Indies. Yet here we are, barely a year later and the turnaround in fortunes has been astonishing and Ali has seen the change first hand writing for The Guardian. His thoughts are fascinating.

Ali has also written an article in his newspaper this week about Brendan McCallum and Ben Stokes sharing their ethos with county coaches to try and help them better prepare players for the step up to. the national squad. We discuss it in the chat; you can read it here:

click here to read Ali’s piece in The Guardian

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98 Not Out – with Ali Martin, cricket writer at “The Guardian”.

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Last time we spoke to Ali Martin, he was in Adelaide covering England’s 2021/22 Ashes tour Down Under. It was a low point for England cricket, which was to get even worse shortly after when the side toured the West Indies. Yet here we are, barely a year later and the turnaround in fortunes has been astonishing and Ali has seen the change first hand writing for The Guardian. His thoughts are fascinating.

Ali has also written an article in his newspaper this week about Brendan McCallum and Ben Stokes sharing their ethos with county coaches to try and help them better prepare players for the step up to. the national squad. We discuss it in the chat; you can read it here:

click here to read Ali’s piece in The Guardian

As always, if you are enjoying our content, please make sure you subscribe – for free- to get the latest updates and please spread the word to help us grow. Many thanks and enjoy the podcast!

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98 Not Out – with Ali Martin, cricket writer at “The Guardian”.

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Last time we spoke to Ali Martin, he was in Adelaide covering England’s 2021/22 Ashes tour Down Under. It was a low point for England cricket, which was to get even worse shortly after when the side toured the West Indies. Yet here we are, barely a year later and the turnaround in fortunes has been astonishing and Ali has seen the change first hand writing for The Guardian. His thoughts are fascinating.

Ali has also written an article in his newspaper this week about Brendan McCallum and Ben Stokes sharing their ethos with county coaches to try and help them better prepare players for the step up to. the national squad. We discuss it in the chat; you can read it here:

click here to read Ali’s piece in The Guardian

As always, if you are enjoying our content, please make sure you subscribe – for free- to get the latest updates and please spread the word to help us grow. Many thanks and enjoy the podcast!

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