Brentwood: currently 6°C, light rain
high today 7°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:53, sunset 15:49
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The Orient Hour – s07 e25 – hosted by Andy Gilson, Barry Galvin, Billy Herring, Howard Gould and Christian Wheeler with guests Steve Jenkins and Michael Head

Tonight’s show is hosted by Andy Gilson, Barry Galvin, Billy Herring, Howard Gould and Christian Wheeler with guests Steve Jenkins and Michael Head.

The Panel review the O’s recent performance in front of the TV cameras v Stevenage and hear from Richie post match and also from Dulcet Dave with Victor’s Views (sponsored by E3 Security Services).

There is also some special news from Steve Jenkins and Michael Head about They Took The Lead – the story of the O’s who fought in the Battle of the Somme.

Enjoy the show!

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year.

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The Orient Hour – s07 e25 – hosted by Andy Gilson, Barry Galvin, Billy Herring, Howard Gould and Christian Wheeler with guests Steve Jenkins and Michael Head

Tonight’s show is hosted by Andy Gilson, Barry Galvin, Billy Herring, Howard Gould and Christian Wheeler with guests Steve Jenkins and Michael Head.

The Panel review the O’s recent performance in front of the TV cameras v Stevenage and hear from Richie post match and also from Dulcet Dave with Victor’s Views (sponsored by E3 Security Services).

There is also some special news from Steve Jenkins and Michael Head about They Took The Lead – the story of the O’s who fought in the Battle of the Somme.

Enjoy the show!

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year.

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The Orient Hour – s07 e25 – hosted by Andy Gilson, Barry Galvin, Billy Herring, Howard Gould and Christian Wheeler with guests Steve Jenkins and Michael Head

Tonight’s show is hosted by Andy Gilson, Barry Galvin, Billy Herring, Howard Gould and Christian Wheeler with guests Steve Jenkins and Michael Head.

The Panel review the O’s recent performance in front of the TV cameras v Stevenage and hear from Richie post match and also from Dulcet Dave with Victor’s Views (sponsored by E3 Security Services).

There is also some special news from Steve Jenkins and Michael Head about They Took The Lead – the story of the O’s who fought in the Battle of the Somme.

Enjoy the show!

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year.

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The Orient Hour – s07 e25 – hosted by Andy Gilson, Barry Galvin, Billy Herring, Howard Gould and Christian Wheeler with guests Steve Jenkins and Michael Head

Tonight’s show is hosted by Andy Gilson, Barry Galvin, Billy Herring, Howard Gould and Christian Wheeler with guests Steve Jenkins and Michael Head.

The Panel review the O’s recent performance in front of the TV cameras v Stevenage and hear from Richie post match and also from Dulcet Dave with Victor’s Views (sponsored by E3 Security Services).

There is also some special news from Steve Jenkins and Michael Head about They Took The Lead – the story of the O’s who fought in the Battle of the Somme.

Enjoy the show!

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year.

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