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Take a bow, Monica!

We’ve featured Monica Ortiz before here on Phoenix FM, having a chat with her at Christmas 2020 about her music.

She’s back now with a new single, Take A Bow, and we caught up with her again to find out more.

What made you choose Take A Bow?

My friend who is a music producer and songwriter sent me over the song and suggested that I do a cover of it. I listened to it and remembered hearing it before and really liking it.

Are you a big fan of Madonna and Babyface’s work?

I knew that Madonna and Babyface wrote it and I love Babyface’s writing.

Where did you record the track?

The music was recorded in Nashville by Smith Curry (he’s on Instagram as smith_curry_rocks) and Matt Odmark (Jars of Clay) produced my vocals in Nashville and then I flew to Los Angeles and worked with Gold Mind Studios to record Jordan Michael who sang the background vocals. It was a long journey to make the cover of this song but I’m pretty happy with it.

What else are you up to?

I am working on some new music of my own and will also be covering “You Make It Real” by James Morrison (he is so talented and I really appreciate his writing and his voice) which I will be releasing in 2023. The journey of making music is filled with hard work and you have to love it enough to persevere through all of the obstacles that come up along the way.

Where can we find out more about you?

You can find out more on my official website or by following me on Facebook and Instagram. I’m also on YouTube @monicaortizmusic.

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Take a bow, Monica!

We’ve featured Monica Ortiz before here on Phoenix FM, having a chat with her at Christmas 2020 about her music.

She’s back now with a new single, Take A Bow, and we caught up with her again to find out more.

What made you choose Take A Bow?

My friend who is a music producer and songwriter sent me over the song and suggested that I do a cover of it. I listened to it and remembered hearing it before and really liking it.

Are you a big fan of Madonna and Babyface’s work?

I knew that Madonna and Babyface wrote it and I love Babyface’s writing.

Where did you record the track?

The music was recorded in Nashville by Smith Curry (he’s on Instagram as smith_curry_rocks) and Matt Odmark (Jars of Clay) produced my vocals in Nashville and then I flew to Los Angeles and worked with Gold Mind Studios to record Jordan Michael who sang the background vocals. It was a long journey to make the cover of this song but I’m pretty happy with it.

What else are you up to?

I am working on some new music of my own and will also be covering “You Make It Real” by James Morrison (he is so talented and I really appreciate his writing and his voice) which I will be releasing in 2023. The journey of making music is filled with hard work and you have to love it enough to persevere through all of the obstacles that come up along the way.

Where can we find out more about you?

You can find out more on my official website or by following me on Facebook and Instagram. I’m also on YouTube @monicaortizmusic.

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Take a bow, Monica!

We’ve featured Monica Ortiz before here on Phoenix FM, having a chat with her at Christmas 2020 about her music.

She’s back now with a new single, Take A Bow, and we caught up with her again to find out more.

What made you choose Take A Bow?

My friend who is a music producer and songwriter sent me over the song and suggested that I do a cover of it. I listened to it and remembered hearing it before and really liking it.

Are you a big fan of Madonna and Babyface’s work?

I knew that Madonna and Babyface wrote it and I love Babyface’s writing.

Where did you record the track?

The music was recorded in Nashville by Smith Curry (he’s on Instagram as smith_curry_rocks) and Matt Odmark (Jars of Clay) produced my vocals in Nashville and then I flew to Los Angeles and worked with Gold Mind Studios to record Jordan Michael who sang the background vocals. It was a long journey to make the cover of this song but I’m pretty happy with it.

What else are you up to?

I am working on some new music of my own and will also be covering “You Make It Real” by James Morrison (he is so talented and I really appreciate his writing and his voice) which I will be releasing in 2023. The journey of making music is filled with hard work and you have to love it enough to persevere through all of the obstacles that come up along the way.

Where can we find out more about you?

You can find out more on my official website or by following me on Facebook and Instagram. I’m also on YouTube @monicaortizmusic.

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Take a bow, Monica!

We’ve featured Monica Ortiz before here on Phoenix FM, having a chat with her at Christmas 2020 about her music.

She’s back now with a new single, Take A Bow, and we caught up with her again to find out more.

What made you choose Take A Bow?

My friend who is a music producer and songwriter sent me over the song and suggested that I do a cover of it. I listened to it and remembered hearing it before and really liking it.

Are you a big fan of Madonna and Babyface’s work?

I knew that Madonna and Babyface wrote it and I love Babyface’s writing.

Where did you record the track?

The music was recorded in Nashville by Smith Curry (he’s on Instagram as smith_curry_rocks) and Matt Odmark (Jars of Clay) produced my vocals in Nashville and then I flew to Los Angeles and worked with Gold Mind Studios to record Jordan Michael who sang the background vocals. It was a long journey to make the cover of this song but I’m pretty happy with it.

What else are you up to?

I am working on some new music of my own and will also be covering “You Make It Real” by James Morrison (he is so talented and I really appreciate his writing and his voice) which I will be releasing in 2023. The journey of making music is filled with hard work and you have to love it enough to persevere through all of the obstacles that come up along the way.

Where can we find out more about you?

You can find out more on my official website or by following me on Facebook and Instagram. I’m also on YouTube @monicaortizmusic.

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