Ahead of Monday’s show I was joined by Kelly O’Donoghue for a chat about her campaign to raise awareness of mental health. “Our Stories in Our Words” is a powerful short film / documentary that tells the stories and experiences of real people living with mental health conditions in their own words. We talked about Kelly’s own experience of mental health, what it was like for her and all those sharing their stories to film them opening up and how, as well as raising awareness, the project aims to raise funds to support mental health charity MIND.
To find out more, tune in from 10:30am on Monday 9th May or click play in the box below and listen to the full interview.
To watch “Our Stories in Our Words” on YouTube click here.
To support Kelly and the rest of the team involved to raise funds for mental health charity MIND visit www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ourstoriesinourwords
Mental Health doesn’t discriminate, it can affect anyone at anytime and so this campaign aims to teach, combat loneliness and to support those experiencing Mental Health difficulties to know they’re not alone.
For more information or support visit www.mind.org.uk
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