College can be stressful, with endless deadlines and many commitments. Some students try to cope with stress by pulling all-nighters and drinking caffeine.
However, these coping mechanisms are unhealthy and can strain your mental health. Even worse, they aren’t effective at helping you succeed in college.
Stop relying on unhealthy habits to get through college. Here are some tips that will help you reduce stress and be more effective in school:
Get into a Routine
The first step to becoming more effective in college is getting into a routine. You want to make sure you get enough sleep and eat healthy meals. In addition, you need to schedule time for these things. Staying up late and grabbing food on the go will not help you succeed in school.
You need to look at your schedule and adjust when struggling with getting into a routine. Getting enough sleep can be as simple as going to bed earlier or waking up later. Eating healthy meals means planning.
You can plan either by packing your lunch the night before or making time during the day to eat out at a restaurant instead of grabbing fast food. The key is finding what works for you and sticking with it.
Create a Schedule
After creating a routine that works for you, it is time to create a schedule. You want to divide your day into segments based on how much time each task takes. This allows you to plan. Therefore, nothing gets left undone or forgotten about last minute.
A schedule allows you to organize your tasks into manageable chunks of time. Also, it ensures that everything gets done when it needs to. It also helps you avoid procrastination by first doing the most difficult tasks when your energy is highest.
A good way of doing this would be using Google Calendar or any other app that helps schedule tasks throughout the day. It will help keep track of all those pesky little things. Therefore, freeing up time for yourself.
Ask for Help
It can be challenging to ask for help. However, we highly recommend it when feeling stressed or overwhelmed. You will be surprised at how willing your professors, advisors, and peers are to help you. They want to see you succeed. Email your professor and schedule a time to meet with them when in need of more clarification with coursework.
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Don’t Procrastinate
Procrastination is a pervasive problem among college students. It can be something as simple as not doing the assigned reading in class, or something more serious, like not completing an assignment on time. Regardless of the degree of difficulty, procrastination can greatly impact your grade and GPA. Thus, leading to a significant drop in your social life.
It is easy to get caught up in all the college responsibilities (actually, there’s no getting away from them) and lose sight of grades. Don’t worry when you find yourself in this trap. There are numerous ways to overcome your fear of failing and do what you need to do.
Create To-Do Lists
To-do lists are a great way to get organized. It isn’t easy to manage your time when you don’t know what you need to complete. Identify the tasks you need to complete. Afterwards, prioritize them in order of importance.
A good list helps you focus on how many tasks need to complete and how much time you will need. It also helps relieve stress by alleviating the burden of remembering everything you need to do.
The key is to make sure that you can complete what’s on the list. There is nothing worse than having a long list of things you never finish. This is because it makes you feel more stressed about what remains undone. Therefore, don’t put too much on your list.
Final Takeaway
College is stressful. There are countless reasons why, but one of the biggest is that your life is changing. You are transitioning from being a high school student to an independent adult. This change can be difficult to deal with. However, it does not have to be with proper help.
Fortunately, you can do a few things to make college stress easier to handle. Moreover, you can enjoy your time at college without any fears of stress.