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How to get started in the cybersecurity industry

Are you truly interested in a career in cybersecurity? If so, you’re in luck. The cybersecurity industry is booming, and there are plenty of opportunities for those with the right skillset. What do you actually need to know to get started? This guide will outline everything you need to know about breaking into the cybersecurity industry. We’ll cover the most important skillsets, certifications, and employers in the field. So, whether you’re just starting out or you’re looking to switch careers, this guide has something for you. Let’s get started!

Cybersecurity – the basics

So, what is cybersecurity, anyway? Simply put, cybersecurity is the practice of protecting your computer networks and data from unauthorised access or theft. This can include everything from installing firewalls and antivirus software to encrypting your data. Cybersecurity is a critical field, as businesses and individuals are increasingly reliant on technology. With so much honestly at stake, it’s no wonder that the demand for cybersecurity professionals is skyrocketing.

However, the term “cybersecurity” can be a bit misleading. It implies that the primary focus is on computers and digital data. In reality, cybersecurity encompasses much more than that. It also includes physical security, such as protecting access to server rooms and other sensitive areas. In fact, many experts believe that physical security is just as important as digital security in today’s world.

So, what does this truly mean for those looking to enter the cybersecurity industry? It means that you need to be well-rounded and have a variety of skillsets. You can’t just specialise in computers or digital security – you need to be familiar with both the digital and physical aspects of cybersecurity.

Let’s look at what you need in more detail.

Get some qualifications

If you want to know how to get started in cyber security, this is the first step. There are a number of qualifications you can get which will help you on your way to becoming a cyber security professional. Many of these are technical in nature and will teach you the basics of working with computers and networks.

Remember to keep your education up to date, too – the world of cybersecurity is always changing, and you need to make sure you’re keeping up with the latest trends. You can stay in the know by taking online courses or attending conferences and seminars.

Find your specialty

The cybersecurity industry is vast, and there are many different specialties you can pursue. Do some research to find the area that interests you the most. This will help you focus your studies and make sure you’re getting the most out of your education. Also, think about the type of company you want to work for. Do you want to work in a large enterprise or a smaller start-up? Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose the right fit for you.


One of the best ways to learn is to network with other professionals. This can help you get a better understanding of the industry and find out about opportunities that may not be advertised. There are a number of ways to network, such as attending cybersecurity conferences or joining online forums and groups.

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