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What Are the Most Effective Smoking Cessation Methods Among Brits?

Quitting smoking is an issue many people struggle with, and Brits are not an exception. According to Statista, 14.7 per cent of adults living in the United Kingdom are regular smokers. Furthermore, England registers nearly two million hospital admissions caused by smoking every year.

However, it is not all doom and gloom. The prevalence of cigarette smoking in the UK has been steadily declining for many years now. Furthermore, many new smoking cessation methods have been developed to which everyone can turn. These include but are not limited to cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), switching from tobacco products to vapes, and various types of pharmacotherapy.

This article takes a closer look at the most effective practices for treating tobacco addiction available in the United Kingdom. Check it out to see how they can help you kick your smoking habit!


Numerous vaping brands, such as Zeus Juice and blu, are well-known among Brits. It is hardly surprising as — according to a 2021 evidence update summary written by researchers from King’s College London — ‘using a vaping product is the most popular aid used by people trying to quit smoking.’ Moreover, quitting is the main reason for picking up vaping in the first place — as noted in the same summary.

Using e-cigarettes to stop smoking has been proven effective by multiple clinical trials. Nevertheless, opinions on the subject are mixed. While some argue vaping prevents relapse better than NRT, others rightfully point out that it makes quitting much more time-consuming.

Additionally, it is essential to remember that the highest quit rates were seen when a person used a vaping product in combination with a licensed medicine. As a result, you might want to consult a healthcare professional before opting for this smoking cessation method.

Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive-behavioural therapy is a technique used by therapists all around the world. Its primary aim is to determine and address the negative feelings and thoughts of the patient. It can help smokers kick their habit by strengthening their mental resolve and acknowledging unhealthy behavioural patterns.

As the name implies, this technique consists of two elements — cognitive and behavioural therapies. The former allows an individual to change their way of thinking about smoking, transforming it in their mind from a way to relieve stress into a harmful activity. On the other hand, the latter makes people more aware of their self-destructive behaviours and helps them replace these with healthier ones. Combined, they guide a smoker to see their situation for what it is and confront their addiction.

Overall, cognitive-behavioural therapy may help you find healthy ways to manage stress and avoid smoking. It is an excellent method not only to kick a damaging habit but also to transform your life for the better by introducing some much-needed changes.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)

Even though nicotine is not responsible for most adverse effects of smoking, it is the substance that makes cigarette smokers physically dependent on them. What does it mean? Simply put, it is what ultimately creates the addiction.

A state where a person needs nicotine to function normally is known as ‘nicotine dependence.’ Nicotine replacement therapy was specifically designed to combat this issue. It limits the use of tobacco products while providing a suitable replacement in their place. This way, an individual can prevent nicotine withdrawal symptoms from showing up without exposing themselves to dangerous compounds present in tobacco.

NRT is the most prevalent type of pharmacotherapy. As stated in a 2014 study published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, ‘nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) was the first proven effective medication for the treatment of tobacco addiction and remains a first line pharmacotherapy in helping smokers quit.’

The most frequently employed forms of nicotine replacement therapy are based on the use of:

  • Skin patches,

  • Chewing gums,

  • Inhalers,

  • Nasal sprays,

  • Oral strips,

  • Tablets,

  • Lozenges.

Although there is no evidence pointing to a specific medication being the most effective, using a combination of NRT is more likely to help you quit. For example, you can use nicotine patches to reduce your withdrawal symptoms throughout the day and chew nicotine gum every time you feel a craving building up.

Thanks to nicotine replacement therapy, you can slowly limit your nicotine intake until you reach a point where you no longer need it. But, make sure you check the precautions for every medicine you plan to take and consult your doctor before starting your therapy.

Local Stop Smoking Services

While all of the methods mentioned above can work well on their own, they yield the best results when used in conjunction with each other. This is why local stop smoking services play a significant role in helping people quit smoking. They allow healthcare practitioners to approach each person individually and provide their patients with a unique strategy to overcome their tobacco addiction.

Besides, such services can also work locally to bust harmful smoking myths. For instance, they can explain that nicotine is NOT the main component that makes smoking harmful.

Actions like these help grow our collective knowledge about the dangers of smoking and keep the public perception of this activity in check.

If you are looking for the best way to address your smoking addiction, search for a local stop smoking service. There, you will be offered the necessary support to kick the habit — get expert behavioural advice combined with suitable stop smoking aids, such as NRT or vaping products.

The Bottom Line

Breaking a harmful habit can be challenging. Physical addictions, such as smoking cigarettes, are especially tough in this regard. But, with the support of others and a well-developed plan of action, you can overcome your nicotine dependence and enjoy a smoke-free life.

Methods like vaping, nicotine replacement therapy and cognitive-behavioural therapy can help you manage withdrawal symptoms and kick the habit once and for all. Each of them works well on its own, but a combination of them can be a real game-changer.

If you are still unsure which of the presented methods will be most effective in your case, feel free to contact your healthcare professional. They will be able to address any concerns you may have and outline a plan of action. Good luck!

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