Brentwood: currently 6°C, cloudy
high today 6°C, low tonight 5°C
sunrise 07:54, sunset 15:49
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Queer The Dancefloor – Show 18

Catch up on Monday 31st January’s show of Queer The Dancefloor.

It’s Adam Oliver’s 18th show on Phoenix FM, with SPECIAL GUEST Bee Arnold, LIVE in the studio for a chat & to play her brand new track TOXIC. Also with music from Crazibiza, Janet Jackson and Dance System.

Check out Spotify playlist ‘Queer The Dancefloor’ for all tracks played in this show.

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Queer The Dancefloor - Show 18
Queer The Dancefloor
Adam Oliver

Queer The Dancefloor – Show 18

Catch up on Monday 31st January’s show of Queer The Dancefloor.

It’s Adam Oliver’s 18th show on Phoenix FM, with SPECIAL GUEST Bee Arnold, LIVE in the studio for a chat & to play her brand new track TOXIC. Also with music from Crazibiza, Janet Jackson and Dance System.

Check out Spotify playlist ‘Queer The Dancefloor’ for all tracks played in this show.

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Queer The Dancefloor - Show 18
Queer The Dancefloor
Adam Oliver

Queer The Dancefloor – Show 18

Catch up on Monday 31st January’s show of Queer The Dancefloor.

It’s Adam Oliver’s 18th show on Phoenix FM, with SPECIAL GUEST Bee Arnold, LIVE in the studio for a chat & to play her brand new track TOXIC. Also with music from Crazibiza, Janet Jackson and Dance System.

Check out Spotify playlist ‘Queer The Dancefloor’ for all tracks played in this show.

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Queer The Dancefloor - Show 18
Queer The Dancefloor
Adam Oliver

Queer The Dancefloor – Show 18

Catch up on Monday 31st January’s show of Queer The Dancefloor.

It’s Adam Oliver’s 18th show on Phoenix FM, with SPECIAL GUEST Bee Arnold, LIVE in the studio for a chat & to play her brand new track TOXIC. Also with music from Crazibiza, Janet Jackson and Dance System.

Check out Spotify playlist ‘Queer The Dancefloor’ for all tracks played in this show.

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Queer The Dancefloor - Show 18
Queer The Dancefloor
Adam Oliver
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