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10 Great New Icebreaker Ideas for 2022

Icebreakers refer to those events and games that help several individuals warm up to each other. They do so, especially for the people who meet for the first time. It can be on an offline or a virtual meeting or get-together. Nevertheless, icebreakers allow a group of strangers to feel comfortable with one another. In addition to that, the games permit them to know each other’s dislikes, weaknesses, strengths, likes, specializations, etc. 

Let us discuss 10 exciting and new icebreaker ideas that a virtual team can engage in 2022. 

The Get To Know You Questions

As the name suggests, “The Get To Know You Questions” is a game that consists of a set of queries that aims to help a group of people know more about one another. The participating individuals can ask a few simple and fun questions in this activity. It can relate to the everyday and ordinary aspects and elements of the life of others. For instance, it can ask about what they do in their free time or which animal they love. 

The overall purpose of the game is to reveal the personality of the involved individuals. It helps the others know what kind of person they are without feeling awkward about it. On top of that, it allows all the members to participate without feeling left out.

Scavenger Hunt

The “Scavenger Hunt” is a game available for both offline and online platforms. It is an activity that does not grow old with time and can reel in all the participants. In the event, the host mentions either the name or the color of an object. In other cases, they can hint at an item by using a few keywords. The rest have to search for the article stated by the host. The first one to “scavenge” and bring back the object wins the round and amasses a specific number of points. This game can continue several more times. In the end, the participant who has collected the highest number of points wins. 

Would You Rather?

Would You Rather” is an either-or activity that permits the participants to discover and understand the choices the others would make when two options get presented to them. The associated questions can be unsophisticated. It can include “would you rather play games or read a book?” In other instances, the queries can be a little personal. However, it should not pry into an individual’s life beyond a particular limit. It is to ensure that they do not feel uncomfortable. In the second case, the questions can include something like “would you rather travel alone or with your family?”  

The Common Thing

In this game, each participant receives a copy of a list. It has a few parameters mentioned on it. After that, the individuals need to fill the columns within a set period. At the end of the time limit, the participants can match their answers to find “the common thing” they have with the others. This game is one of the best virtual icebreakers that allow the involved individuals to understand the aspects similar to the rest. 


Trivia serves as a refreshing and engaging way to break the ice and the awkward tension. In this scenario, the participants can come together to answer a few questions of everyday knowledge and have fun at the same time. The involved individuals can even divide themselves into teams of two or small groups. It allows them to pool in their resources and talk to others comfortably. In addition, it helps a group of strangers work in unison to achieve victory. 

The trivia can get set on a particular theme. The questions can be about guessing the song from a short clip or identifying the animal from its tail. 

Under Eighteen

Under Eighteen” is a fun and uplifting activity. In it, the participants have to mention any achievements. However, they should have accomplished under eighteen years of age. They can also share engaging, horrifying, or comedic stories they went through and experienced. This activity creates an opportunity for hidden talents, undermined aptitudes, and creative skills to get acknowledged and appreciated. When played as an icebreaker event, it helps the participants feel approved and comfortable with others. 

People Bingo

People Bingo” is an alternative to the conventional game. It has a few characteristics written on the slip instead of numbers. It can entail parameters like “played basketball in school,” “went abroad,” “has two siblings,” etc. The host picks up a sheet of paper from a bowl and reads aloud the criteria. Accordingly, each participant has to cut off the parameter in the slip. The game allows the involved individuals to know about one another without self-introduction. 


The participants start this game by picking up a paper slip from a bowl. It can have the name of any object mentioned on it, from pizza to a hat. After that, the host creates several groups, and each member of it has to put together the items they got. They have to contemplate together how they can survive out in the wilderness using all of their objects within a time limit. In the end, the host listens to their plans and decides the winner. 

Your Favourite

In this game, the host asks a question to the participants. The latter has to answer their favorite item or thing in its response. The questions can ask about the most preferred song, movie, animal, tourist spot, color, etc. This activity allows the participants to reveal their liked objects freely and without feeling uncomfortable or left out. Moreover, it lets them know more about others and their preferences. 

The One Word Game

In “The One Word Game,” the host mentions a small sentence having an alternate one-word answer. The participants have to identify or guess the accurate response. The individual who tells the correct answer wins the round and achieves the point. The game can continue for several rounds. The participant who accumulates the highest number of points wins.

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