In 2021 we played 1,742 tracks in total – 1,112 tracks from 660 different artists.
That’s 80 more tracks and 47 more artists than 2020! (2020 stats here)
Hybrid Kid at the Albert in Brighton, 25 September 2021
The most popular artists played were HYBRID KID who received 36 plays, FIGHTMILK who were played 32 times, SALAD (25), THE EMPEROR OF ICE CREAM (23) and SEA POWER (20).
The top ten songs we played during the year were:
=1. Hybrid Kid – 1-2-3 (11 plays)
=1. Keeley – The Glitter and the Glue (11 plays)
=1. Thousand Yard Stare – Upping Sticks (11 plays)
=4. Darling Buds – Jump In (10 plays)
=4. The Emperor Of Ice Cream – Weather Vane (10 plays)
=4. Salad – Things In Heaven (10 plays)
7. BAXTR – In Pop We Trust (9 plays)
=8. The Kynd – Get What You Deserve (8 plays)
=8. The Lottery Winners – Sunshine (8 plays)
=8. Sybs – Llygaid (8 plays)
Here’s every artist we played in 2021:
36 plays:
Hybrid Kid
32 plays:
25 plays:
23 plays:
The Emperor Of Ice Cream
20 plays:
Sea Power
18 plays:
Keeley, Thousand Yard Stare
17 plays:
Blokeacola, Swansea Sound
16 plays:
Darling Buds
15 plays:
13 plays:
Blur, Jody and the Jerms, Sybs
12 plays:
Piroshka, Power Of Dreams
11 plays:
Catenary Wires, Tom Bright, Trouble Pilgrims
10 plays:
Garbage, Hepburns, The Kynd
9 plays:
Anorak Patch, Arctic Lights, Art Brut, Bandicoot, Cat Dowling, Jetstream Pony, Mega City Four, New Pagans, One Morning In August
8 plays:
Ali MacQueen, Carter USM, Franz Ferdinand, Hardwicke Circus, Laura Lee and the Jettes, Lottery Winners, Matt McManamon, Shop Window, Sleeper, They Might Be Giants, Vix 20
7 plays:
Boi, Bugeye, Catatonia, Cherym, Distorted Model, Divine Comedy, Institutes, Klubber Lang, Pony
6 plays:
A Cause In Distress, Abdoujaparov, Bad Waitress, Bloc Party, Coach Party, Colin Moulding, Craig Walker and the Cold, Duran Duran feat Chai, Fashoda Crisis, Fortitude Valley, Gordon Taggart, Hadda Be, IDestroy, Johnny Marr, Maximo Park, Melys, Senseless Things, She Made Me Do It, Subterfuge, Sultans of Ping FC
5 plays:
Andy J Gallagher, Bodega, Cat SFX, Charlatans, Coral, Damon Albarn, Desperate Journalist, Doozer McDooze, Frank and Walters, Gold Baby, Ocean Flaws, Primitives, Public Service Broadcasting, Sandcastle Jesus, Snuts, Stranglers, Sugarcubes, Tacsidermi, Teenage Fanclub, Third Lung
4 plays:
Are We Static, Berries, Bleach Lab, Blushing, Boo Radleys, Ed Borrie, Feet, Grace Mitchell, Healthy Junkies, Heart Throbs, High/Low, Honeyblood, Italia 90, Juliana Hatfield, Loud Women, Loupe, Midnight Ambulance, MR, NewDad, No Thee No Ess, Pet Needs, Pop Will Eat Itself, Radiohead, Reverse, Samurai Seven, Sleater-Kinney, Stereo Club, Suncharms, Tall Poppies, The Others Are Dead, Steve, Tin Gun, Trusted, Violet, Wet Leg, Wolf Alice
3 plays:
1957 Tail-Fin Fiasco, Asylums, B-52’s, Bang Bang Machine, Banshees, Bellatrix, Boxteles, Charlie Jenkins, Cheekface, Clash, Clockworks, Courtney Barnett, Cud, Daytime TV, Dead Red Jets, Dexy, Eep, Eut, Everything Everything, Feral Five x Bugeye, Francis of Delirium, Futureheads, Grin(051), Horse Heads, Hurtling, Idles, Joy Formidable, Katanak, Kenickie, Lime Garden, Long Blondes, Lounge Society, Lyerr, Manic Street Preachers, Marion, Metatrons, Ned’s Atomic Dustbin, New Twentys, New Young Pony Club, Nova Twins, Paris Youth Foundation, Phantom Atlantic, Pip Blom, Ragsy, Remote Control, S*M*A*S*H, Salvation Jayne, Shame, Shattercones, Shed Seven, Signature Vision, Sister Ghost, Spairs, Sparkle, Sports Team, Tallies, UV-TV, Vanishing Twin, Wannadies, Yard of Blondes, Young Knives
2 plays:
Adwaith and Massimo Silverio, Amber Bugs, Audioweb, Belle and Sebastian, Ben Drake Collective, Big Image, Bikini Test Failure, Blood Red Shoes, Bradford, Bull, Cable, Camera Obscura, Carpark, Chai feat YMCK, Cities In Dust, Close Lobsters, Connells, Covasettes, Cozy Slippers, Crimson Bloom, Cruel Hearts Club, Darling Boy, Del Amitri, Dingus Khan, Do Nothing, Doves, Dream Nails, Dry Cleaning, Earl Brutus, Easy, Eaves Wilder, Emma Blackery, Eve Goodman, Family Gotown, Flechettes, Fresh, Gabriel’s Dawn, Gabriels, Gorillaz, Grand Splendid, Gruff Rhys, Gulps, Harriets, Honey Lung, Iraina Mancini, Jane Weaver, Jennie Vee, Jim Bob, Jocasta, Kaiser Chiefs, Kill The Giants, Kim Hon, King Adora, Kosmischer Läufer, Les Carter, Lobsterbomb, Lodger, Lovely Eggs, Luke Haines, Marquis Drive, Mighty Observer, Mogwai, Moontype, Mumble Tide feat Mathilde Bataillé, My Life Story, Narcissus feat Becki Fishwick, Narrow Margin, New Age Healers, New Fast Automatic Daffodils, Oslo Oscillator, Others, Paper Foxes, Plain Navy, Pocket Gods, Psychedelic Porn Crumpets, Pulp, Red Light Effect, Regent, Ride, Ronan Furlong, Sack, Sad Song Co, Sea Fever, Sergeant Buzfuz, Serotones, Shader, Smile, Smoke Kiss, Snow Coats, Spector, Squid feat Martha Skye Murphy, Still Corners, Strand of Oaks, Subways, Super Furry Animals, SuperState feat Graham Coxon and Valentina Pappalardo, Tacsidermi and Sister Wives, Tapeworms, Teenage Sequence, The Good The Bad and The Queen, The Rah’s, Tigers and Flies, Venus Grrrls, Veruca Salt, Vigilantes, Vini Vicious, Voodoo Radio, Waax, Wavves, We Are Scientists, Weekend Recovery, Where We Sleep, World Of Twist, Xiexie, XTC, Yard Act, Yonige
1 play:
2:54, A House, Aberdeen City, Absent Kid, Aderyn, Afflecks Palace, Al Moses, Alex Jayne, Alias Kid, Altered Hours, Amongst The Pigeons feat Ollie Barron, Animalhouse, Ask Elliot, Athlete, Auteurs, Automatic, Avalanches, Awkward Silences, Baddies, Baikonour, Barry Adamson, BC Camplight, Be Your Own Pet, beabadoobee, Beach Bunny, Beach Riot, Beautiful South, Beck, Bedrooms, Beige Banquet, Belly, Ben Folds Five, Bengal Lancers, Bernard Butler, Bikini Kill, Bilk, Birrell or Biscuit, Blab Happy, Blanketman, Bleech, Blinders, Blondfire, Blood Command, Blue Aeroplanes, Bob, Brand New Zeros, Bright Idle Future, Broadcast, Broken Johnnys, Brother, Brownies, Call To The Faithful, Camel City Blackouts, Cardiacs, Cassyette, Catty, Cavern of Anti-Matter, Charley Stone, Chase, Chemtrails, Chris T-T, Clarke and the Himselfs, Cleaners From Venus, Climbing Trees, Cobalt Chapel, Coldplay, Collapsed Lung, Constant Harmony, Corvus and the Morning Star, Courting, Courtney Love, Croft & Cotes, Dandy Warhols, Danielle Dax, Datblygu, David Kitt, Dead Freights, Dead Star Talk, Deadcuts, Death of the High Street, Deep Tan, Delta 5, Departure Lounge, Derrero, Do Me Bad Things, Dodgy, Dolan Hewison and Andy Spearpoint, Drab City, Dragon Berries, Dream Wife, DRES_, Dub Sex, Dubstar, Duke Spirit, Dylans, Echobelly, Editors, Elastica, Electric Soft Parade, Eliza Newman, Eliza Shaddad, English Teacher, Fall, Family Cat, Feed Your Wolves, Feeder, Femi Kuti, Fernweh, Fireworks, Five Thirty, Flake, Flyying Colours, Foals, Foil, For Squirrels, Freya Beer, Fur, Garden Party, Gemma Hayes, Glass Violet, Goat Girl, Gorky’s Zygotic Mynci, Graywave, Great Leslie, Greywind, Gurr, Gustaf, Gwenno, Hallan, Hannah Barberas, Happy Science, Hit Parade, Hives, Hole, Home Counties, Horsegirl, Hot Hot Heat, Indigo Curve, Inhaler, International Teachers Of Pop, IsoPHeX, Ivory Wave, James Atkin and Rachael Atkin, Jamie Lenman, Jeen, Jesus and Mary Chain, JJ72, Jolt, Jonny Cola and the A Grades, Jupiter’s Beard, JW Paris, K’s, Kecks, Kent, Kid Kapichi, Kieff, Killatrix, Killers, King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, Kingmaker, Kirsty MacColl, Kitchens of Distinction, Kiwi Jr, Kula Shaker, Kundalini Genie, Lastigband, Lauren Laverne, Leopold and his Fiction, Let’s Active, Lickerish Quartet, Life Without Buildings, Liines, Little Roy, Llama Farmers, LMNO Pelican, Longpigs, Loose Articles, Los Blancos, Lucid Express, Lush, Mad Foxes, Madness, Makings, Mama Shamone, Man & Boy, Manda Rin, Manfred Mann feat Thomas D, Mansun, Masi Masi, McAlmont and Butler, Meanwhile, Back In Communist Russia …, Metric, Midway Still, Mighty Orchid King, Mighty Roars, Milk Teeth, Milltown Brothers, Mindset, Mirror Pictures, MJ Hibbett and the Validators, Modest Mouse, Molly Payton, Mono LPs, Moonlight Parade, Moptop, Motorists, Moving Stills, Mull Historical Society, Native, Nervous Twitch, New Picadillys, Nick Lowe, Nick Parker and the False Alarms feat Les Carter, Nirvana, No Suits In Miami, Northside, OK Go, Omaloma, Oscar Lang, Overpass, Pastel, Pavement, Pelvis, Perfect Body, Perfectparachutepicture, Personal Bandana, Pete and the Pirates, Pixey, Pizzicato Five, Placebo, Police Car Collective, Pom Poko, Powder, Pretty Happy, Punchlove, PVA, Quatermass III, Rachid Taha, Rames, Real People, Republica, Ritual Cloak, Robocop Kraus, Rosie and the Goldbug, Rotanas, Röyksopp, Sacropolis, Sasha and the Valentines, Scant Regard, Scarlet, School Of Fish, Scott C Park, Screens, Seafood, Seahorses, Sean Muir, Seprona, Shadracks, Shambolics, Shang Hi Los, She Drew The Gun, Silver Bayonets, Silver Sun, Simon Bromide, Sinead O’Brien, Sister Wives, Skin Games, Skinner Brothers, Slimfit, Sløtface, Snakedoctors, Snapped Ankles, Socata, Soda, Softcult, Some Sprouts, Sons And Daughters, Sorry, Sound 5, Spacehog, Spacemaid, SPINN, Spitfire Tides, Stanleys, Stare, Stay, Stoic, Stone Roses, Straw, Suede, Sunshine Underground, Super Marine, Supergrass, Superlatives, Suspects, Tahiti 80, Tal Bachman, Tankus The Henge, Tara King th., Ten Benson, Tender Trap, Terry vs Tori, Test Icicles, Texas, that dog., The Book Club, The North by South, The Other Ones, The Pretty Visitors, The Reds, Pinks and Purples, The Smile, The Sun Machine, The Wife Guys of Reddit, Thomas Tantrum, Thrillhouse, Tiger, Tigercub, Tim Burgess, Ting Tings, Tiny Little Houses, Tiny Monroe, Toktok vs Soffy O, Toni Halliday, Torres, TV Priest, TwinsTown, Vega Rally, Vernons Future, Viji, Vile Electrodes, Violent Hearts, Viva Brother, W H Lung, Walter Paul Kennedy, Warmduscher, Waxahatchee, Wesley Gonzalez, Whipping Boy, William Shatner, Wind-Up Birds, Winona Avenue, Wolfhounds, Wombo, Wonder Stuff, Wonk Unit, Wood Burning Savages, Working Men’s Club, Y Niwl, Yello, Yonaka, Young Rockets Buzz Club, Younger Younger 28s, Youth Sector, Yuck, Yuka Tree