Michelle here…. I wanted to do something a little bit different on the show for this Christmas and so The Eat my Bunch Players were born! I thought it would be fun to record a Christmas classic and play 5 minutes out per show for the last week of Christmas. Here you will find the full version. Its suitable for Children as its read from the Children’s Edition of A CHRISTMAS CAROL.
Myself, Stewart Pink (Phoenix FM Drive Time Presenter), Natasha Radford (Owner of The Chicken & Frog Bookshop, Crown Street) and Russell Newton (Local Artist) sat in Studio Two at Phoenix FM and began recording A CHISTMAS CAROL. Thank you again to Natasha for providing the books and agreeing to the madness! 🙂
We flew through the recording, I edited as we went along. Many laughs were had, the occasional swear word and mistakes that gave us the giggles.
None of use had done anything like this before and I am really pleased with the way its turned out.
I spent a while at home editing, adding sound effects, producing and I think its turned out most splendid.
This could be the start of a new hobby for me and the rest of the gang!
Big thanks to Anver Anderson for providing me with my list of sound effects!
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy 2022.
The Eat my Bunch Players
Michelle, Natasha, Stewart & Russell
Natasha – Narrator, Ghost of Christmas Present and additional voices
Stewart Pink – Scrooge, Bob Cratchit and additional voices
Russell Newton – Marley’s Ghost, Fred and additional voices
Michelle Ward – The Ghost of Christmas Past, Mrs Cratchit, Tiny Tim and additional voices
Recorded, Edited & Produced by Michelle Ward