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Reasons Why You Should Switch to Organic Foods

If you’re looking to improve your health, you may want to consider making one of the most critical changes in your life – switching to organic foods. Organic food is grown without the use of agricultural chemicals, antibiotics, or added hormones. By choosing organic foods, you can reduce your exposure to these harmful additives and positively impact the health of yourself and your family.

Organic food has several proven benefits; here are just five reasons why you should choose organic:

You’ll be eating Healthier and Saving

One of the best reasons to switch to organic food is healthier for you and your family. Since certified organic foods are grown without harsh chemicals, they are naturally more nutritious than conventional foods. In addition, eating a healthy diet helps reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and other chronic illnesses.

Some people may think they cannot afford it, but most grocery stores carry a line of organic food nowadays, and it is almost always cheaper to have Cleaver’s Organic meat than non-organic meat. It is also good to know that organically grown food tastes much better than the alternative because it has not gone through all of the harmful chemicals and preservatives that make commercially-grown produce taste better at the cost of your health.

It Doesn’t Contain Chemicals

Organic fruits and vegetables are grown without the use of chemical pesticides. These pesticides have been shown to have adverse effects on both health and development. Pesticide exposure has been linked to health problems such as allergies, cancer, autism, ADHD, and more. Furthermore, many pesticides used in conventional farming contain chemicals that disrupt your body’s hormone regulation. Eating organic foods can help protect you and your family from the adverse effects of these potent toxins.

It Has Double the Amount of Antioxidants

According to a study by Science Media Center, organic fruits have double the antioxidants of conventionally grown foods. Antioxidants are suitable for your body because they help fight free radicals that can lead to complications like cancer. Additionally, this amount increases when eaten straight off the vine or tree; you get an even more significant boost if you eat them raw!

It Contains More Nutrition

When you eat organic foods, you are consuming food that has grown in healthy soil. The use of pesticides on vegetables can inhibit nutrient absorption in your body. This simple fact is one of the most compelling reasons to switch to organic foods. Organic food has been shown to contain more vitamins, minerals, and nutrients than food grown with pesticides and other agricultural chemicals. For example, one study found that organic tomatoes had nearly twice as much vitamin C as conventional tomatoes.


It Helps Support Small Farmers

Many people choose to shop at local farmers’ markets instead of significant grocery chains because they want to support local businesses and their communities while getting a higher quality of food at the same time. Organic farmers don’t benefit from government subsidies like large commercial farms, so their organic crops can be pricier than non-organic food grown with pesticides and other chemicals. By choosing to shop at markets that feature organic foods, you will help these small farmers stay in business and support your local economy.

Has Superior Taste

If you want to make some of your favourite recipes, organic ingredients will likely be essential. Many conventional food products are made with added sweeteners and flavoring chemicals to mask the chemical taste. When you switch to organic, you provide your body with naturally delicious food that is good for your health and tastes great. Chefs also state that organic ingredients are not only healthier, but they make the dish taste better.

It’s Better For The Planet

Organic farming practices don’t use any environmentally-destructive agricultural chemicals, pesticides, or fertilizers; this means that choosing organic food helps support farmlands that are better for the planet and its inhabitants. Additionally, many large commercial farms (including some organic farms) feed their crops with insecticides and non-organic substances like genetically modified corn and soybeans. By choosing organic, you will help reduce exposure to these harmful additives while supporting sustainable agriculture in the process.

Just 200 years ago, our ancestors relied on organic food and farming practices to provide their families with nourishment and sustenance. Today we know the importance of buying organic products and know that they can help improve health and reduce the risk of illness. By choosing to buy certified organic products, you are significantly contributing to reducing your overall exposure to harmful chemicals while supporting sustainable agriculture in the process. In addition, organic foods taste great and will help all members of your family grow up healthy.

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