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When local businesses are supported and rewarded, they always step up

Lausa Biragi from You & I Care talks to Phoenix FM about her business:

The Brentwood business awards are around the corner, and You & I Care stepped up to sponsor the Best Growing Business Award. This award is in a bid to appreciate the continued role the local businesses have in sustaining a favourable environment within the community, most especially for the elderly. “When local businesses are supported and rewarded, they always step up.

The Best Growing Business Award is for businesses that can show a growth in turnover or profit and either employee, products and services and have been trading for a minimum of 2 years.

These are not necessarily big businesses, but they are businesses that have showed promise, and exceeding resilience. Whose work makes life easier for most especially the elderly, who rely heavily on local businesses. Being the most vulnerable members of society at the highest risk of death from covid-19, the elderly continued to rely on the functioning and resilience of local businesses including care providers, pharmacies, supermarkets, grocery stores and cleaning services among others for services ranging from delivery of groceries and food staffs, to the delivery of prescriptions and medication to their doorsteps.

Awards such as the Brentwood Business Awards can therefore help such businesses to raise their profiles and enhance their reputation by promoting the great work they are doing while at the same time giving a platform to celebrate their success.

You & I Care is itself a recipient of the 2019 award of the Top 20 Home care providers in East of England, an award which helped us to set the company upon a path of success, with a renewed commitment to provide high quality care. The company now has branches in Chelmsford and Surrey, and we have remained steadfast in our Promise To Always Care. Despite the challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic, You & I Care has managed continue providing high quality care.

This further underpins the significance of awards such as the Brentwood Business Awards, and why You & I Care has stepped up to sponsor the Best Growing Business Award.

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When local businesses are supported and rewarded, they always step up

Lausa Biragi from You & I Care talks to Phoenix FM about her business:

The Brentwood business awards are around the corner, and You & I Care stepped up to sponsor the Best Growing Business Award. This award is in a bid to appreciate the continued role the local businesses have in sustaining a favourable environment within the community, most especially for the elderly. “When local businesses are supported and rewarded, they always step up.

The Best Growing Business Award is for businesses that can show a growth in turnover or profit and either employee, products and services and have been trading for a minimum of 2 years.

These are not necessarily big businesses, but they are businesses that have showed promise, and exceeding resilience. Whose work makes life easier for most especially the elderly, who rely heavily on local businesses. Being the most vulnerable members of society at the highest risk of death from covid-19, the elderly continued to rely on the functioning and resilience of local businesses including care providers, pharmacies, supermarkets, grocery stores and cleaning services among others for services ranging from delivery of groceries and food staffs, to the delivery of prescriptions and medication to their doorsteps.

Awards such as the Brentwood Business Awards can therefore help such businesses to raise their profiles and enhance their reputation by promoting the great work they are doing while at the same time giving a platform to celebrate their success.

You & I Care is itself a recipient of the 2019 award of the Top 20 Home care providers in East of England, an award which helped us to set the company upon a path of success, with a renewed commitment to provide high quality care. The company now has branches in Chelmsford and Surrey, and we have remained steadfast in our Promise To Always Care. Despite the challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic, You & I Care has managed continue providing high quality care.

This further underpins the significance of awards such as the Brentwood Business Awards, and why You & I Care has stepped up to sponsor the Best Growing Business Award.

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When local businesses are supported and rewarded, they always step up

Lausa Biragi from You & I Care talks to Phoenix FM about her business:

The Brentwood business awards are around the corner, and You & I Care stepped up to sponsor the Best Growing Business Award. This award is in a bid to appreciate the continued role the local businesses have in sustaining a favourable environment within the community, most especially for the elderly. “When local businesses are supported and rewarded, they always step up.

The Best Growing Business Award is for businesses that can show a growth in turnover or profit and either employee, products and services and have been trading for a minimum of 2 years.

These are not necessarily big businesses, but they are businesses that have showed promise, and exceeding resilience. Whose work makes life easier for most especially the elderly, who rely heavily on local businesses. Being the most vulnerable members of society at the highest risk of death from covid-19, the elderly continued to rely on the functioning and resilience of local businesses including care providers, pharmacies, supermarkets, grocery stores and cleaning services among others for services ranging from delivery of groceries and food staffs, to the delivery of prescriptions and medication to their doorsteps.

Awards such as the Brentwood Business Awards can therefore help such businesses to raise their profiles and enhance their reputation by promoting the great work they are doing while at the same time giving a platform to celebrate their success.

You & I Care is itself a recipient of the 2019 award of the Top 20 Home care providers in East of England, an award which helped us to set the company upon a path of success, with a renewed commitment to provide high quality care. The company now has branches in Chelmsford and Surrey, and we have remained steadfast in our Promise To Always Care. Despite the challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic, You & I Care has managed continue providing high quality care.

This further underpins the significance of awards such as the Brentwood Business Awards, and why You & I Care has stepped up to sponsor the Best Growing Business Award.

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When local businesses are supported and rewarded, they always step up

Lausa Biragi from You & I Care talks to Phoenix FM about her business:

The Brentwood business awards are around the corner, and You & I Care stepped up to sponsor the Best Growing Business Award. This award is in a bid to appreciate the continued role the local businesses have in sustaining a favourable environment within the community, most especially for the elderly. “When local businesses are supported and rewarded, they always step up.

The Best Growing Business Award is for businesses that can show a growth in turnover or profit and either employee, products and services and have been trading for a minimum of 2 years.

These are not necessarily big businesses, but they are businesses that have showed promise, and exceeding resilience. Whose work makes life easier for most especially the elderly, who rely heavily on local businesses. Being the most vulnerable members of society at the highest risk of death from covid-19, the elderly continued to rely on the functioning and resilience of local businesses including care providers, pharmacies, supermarkets, grocery stores and cleaning services among others for services ranging from delivery of groceries and food staffs, to the delivery of prescriptions and medication to their doorsteps.

Awards such as the Brentwood Business Awards can therefore help such businesses to raise their profiles and enhance their reputation by promoting the great work they are doing while at the same time giving a platform to celebrate their success.

You & I Care is itself a recipient of the 2019 award of the Top 20 Home care providers in East of England, an award which helped us to set the company upon a path of success, with a renewed commitment to provide high quality care. The company now has branches in Chelmsford and Surrey, and we have remained steadfast in our Promise To Always Care. Despite the challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic, You & I Care has managed continue providing high quality care.

This further underpins the significance of awards such as the Brentwood Business Awards, and why You & I Care has stepped up to sponsor the Best Growing Business Award.

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