Michelle was joined by the Leader of Brentwood Council, Chris Hossack for this weeks updates.
- A great Summer in Brentwood – Arts Trail, Safari Trail. Family Fun Days, Street Markets, Crown Street Events
- Brentwood Lighting Up
- Dunton Hills Garden Village – Updates
- Budget Consultation – Have your Say on Expenditure https://www.brentwood.gov.uk/-/setting-a-balanced-budget-for-2022-23 or by contacting the Council on 01277 312500 and request a form be posted to you
- Business Adaption Grants Any business that wish to apply should do so here www.brentwood.gov.uk/-/funding-for-businesses
- Brentwood Borough Council is inviting residents to a special evening event at the Town Hall on September 23.The meeting will be hosted by Leader, Cllr Chris Hossack and include speakers;** Dave Bigden Forest Director Thames Chase**Tom Moat of the Essex Forest Initiative** Lindsey Allen of the Forestry Commission** Alan Marsh Brentwood Borough Council Arboricultural expert
The talks will cover tree planting at St Faiths, the range of tree species and managing carbon absorption .
To register to attend this free event please email Taylah.Bland@brentwood.gov.uk
- Brentwood Business Showcase
- Brentwood Sports AwardsTo nominate go to – https://my.brentwood.gov.uk/service/Stars_of_Brentwood_Community_and_Sports_Awards_2021Nominations close on the 10th of September and the winners will attend a special event evening dinner with entertainment at the Brentwood Centre on 21 October 2021