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NSPCC launch new Home Or Out Alone guide for parents/guardians

Ahead of Tuesday’s Drive I was joined by Sarah Laffling, Fundraising Manager for NSPCC in East Anglia for a catch up about the Childline 35 Club, a new fundraising project to celebrate 35 years of Childline plus the new Home Or Out Alone campaign designed to help parents and guardians decide whether children are safe to be left home or allowed out on their own.

To find out more, including a few shoutouts for local fundraisers, click play in the box below and listen to the full interview.

For more information on Childline 35 Club click here. For more events and information about NSPCC East Anglia visit their Facebook page and for more information or support from NSPCC visit

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NSPCC launch new Home Or Out Alone guide for parents/guardians

Ahead of Tuesday’s Drive I was joined by Sarah Laffling, Fundraising Manager for NSPCC in East Anglia for a catch up about the Childline 35 Club, a new fundraising project to celebrate 35 years of Childline plus the new Home Or Out Alone campaign designed to help parents and guardians decide whether children are safe to be left home or allowed out on their own.

To find out more, including a few shoutouts for local fundraisers, click play in the box below and listen to the full interview.

For more information on Childline 35 Club click here. For more events and information about NSPCC East Anglia visit their Facebook page and for more information or support from NSPCC visit

For more of Stewart’s shows, interviews, poems and reviews, to submit your music for airplay or to check out Stewart’s comedy and books visit

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NSPCC launch new Home Or Out Alone guide for parents/guardians

Ahead of Tuesday’s Drive I was joined by Sarah Laffling, Fundraising Manager for NSPCC in East Anglia for a catch up about the Childline 35 Club, a new fundraising project to celebrate 35 years of Childline plus the new Home Or Out Alone campaign designed to help parents and guardians decide whether children are safe to be left home or allowed out on their own.

To find out more, including a few shoutouts for local fundraisers, click play in the box below and listen to the full interview.

For more information on Childline 35 Club click here. For more events and information about NSPCC East Anglia visit their Facebook page and for more information or support from NSPCC visit

For more of Stewart’s shows, interviews, poems and reviews, to submit your music for airplay or to check out Stewart’s comedy and books visit

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NSPCC launch new Home Or Out Alone guide for parents/guardians

Ahead of Tuesday’s Drive I was joined by Sarah Laffling, Fundraising Manager for NSPCC in East Anglia for a catch up about the Childline 35 Club, a new fundraising project to celebrate 35 years of Childline plus the new Home Or Out Alone campaign designed to help parents and guardians decide whether children are safe to be left home or allowed out on their own.

To find out more, including a few shoutouts for local fundraisers, click play in the box below and listen to the full interview.

For more information on Childline 35 Club click here. For more events and information about NSPCC East Anglia visit their Facebook page and for more information or support from NSPCC visit

For more of Stewart’s shows, interviews, poems and reviews, to submit your music for airplay or to check out Stewart’s comedy and books visit

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