This weeks Brentwood Council updates with Jonathan Stephenson, CEO.
Nominations for Brentwood Borough Council’s Stars of Brentwood Awards are now open. These awards celebrate and recognise the huge efforts of the community and voluntary sector in supporting residents through the pandemic. We are looking for nominations for an individual of any age, or an organisation who has made a significant contribution to their community or to sport, over the course of the pandemic. This could be someone who has gone to extraordinary lengths to support their community, shown incredible kindness to a neighbour, dedicated their year to volunteering and helping others or raised money for a great cause. Closing date for nominations is Friday10 September. All nominated guests will be invited to a dinner and awards ceremony on the evening of 21 October 2021 at the Brentwood Centre, where winners will be announced:
- Community Hub updates –
- CVS – Coffee morning this Friday at Doddinghurst village hall with lots of advice and support for residence. CVS have produced for staying well this summer if you want hard copies email – Planning a volunteering with confidence programme in September.
- Lighthouse project – LH are doing more to sign post people who they come across in need and continue to support people in crisis and who need food. With such a demand they have future plans to expand and employ more staff.
- Who let the Dads out – continue to support parents with lock down babies targeting dads, if anyone wants to refer a family in need of support please email Dan
- Doddinghurst continue with their wellbeing hub over the summer.
- All hubs focusing on supporting people back into going out and feeling safe but understand people will move at their own pace. People mental health is at the for front of everyone’s minds and know this will be the main challenge moving forward.