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NSPCC Childline celebrate 35 years with new Childline 35 Club fundraiser

Ahead of Thursday’s Drive I was joined by Sarah Laffling, Fundraising Manager for NSPCC in East Anglia for a catch up about the superhero fundraising efforts of Lexdon Lodge Kindergarten and the success of childhood day, a new annual event. We also discussed Childline 35 Club, a new fundraising project to celebrate 35 years of Childline.

Childline service is there to give young people a voice when no one else is listening. Whatever problems or dangers they’re facing, Childline provides a place for them to turn to for support any time of day or night. NSPCC are looking for 35 companies to each raise money for Childline this year with a target to raise £30,000 which covers the cost to run Childline for one day. The fundraiser also encourages individuals to use the number 35 as inspiration for their fundraising activities.

To find out more, including a few quirky fundraising ideas, click play in the box below and listen to the full interview.

For more information on Childline 35 Club click here. For more events and information about NSPCC East Anglia visit their Facebook page and for more information or support from NSPCC visit

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NSPCC Childline celebrate 35 years with new Childline 35 Club fundraiser

Ahead of Thursday’s Drive I was joined by Sarah Laffling, Fundraising Manager for NSPCC in East Anglia for a catch up about the superhero fundraising efforts of Lexdon Lodge Kindergarten and the success of childhood day, a new annual event. We also discussed Childline 35 Club, a new fundraising project to celebrate 35 years of Childline.

Childline service is there to give young people a voice when no one else is listening. Whatever problems or dangers they’re facing, Childline provides a place for them to turn to for support any time of day or night. NSPCC are looking for 35 companies to each raise money for Childline this year with a target to raise £30,000 which covers the cost to run Childline for one day. The fundraiser also encourages individuals to use the number 35 as inspiration for their fundraising activities.

To find out more, including a few quirky fundraising ideas, click play in the box below and listen to the full interview.

For more information on Childline 35 Club click here. For more events and information about NSPCC East Anglia visit their Facebook page and for more information or support from NSPCC visit

For more of Stewart’s shows, interviews, poems and reviews, to submit your music for airplay or to check out Stewart’s comedy and books visit

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NSPCC Childline celebrate 35 years with new Childline 35 Club fundraiser

Ahead of Thursday’s Drive I was joined by Sarah Laffling, Fundraising Manager for NSPCC in East Anglia for a catch up about the superhero fundraising efforts of Lexdon Lodge Kindergarten and the success of childhood day, a new annual event. We also discussed Childline 35 Club, a new fundraising project to celebrate 35 years of Childline.

Childline service is there to give young people a voice when no one else is listening. Whatever problems or dangers they’re facing, Childline provides a place for them to turn to for support any time of day or night. NSPCC are looking for 35 companies to each raise money for Childline this year with a target to raise £30,000 which covers the cost to run Childline for one day. The fundraiser also encourages individuals to use the number 35 as inspiration for their fundraising activities.

To find out more, including a few quirky fundraising ideas, click play in the box below and listen to the full interview.

For more information on Childline 35 Club click here. For more events and information about NSPCC East Anglia visit their Facebook page and for more information or support from NSPCC visit

For more of Stewart’s shows, interviews, poems and reviews, to submit your music for airplay or to check out Stewart’s comedy and books visit

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NSPCC Childline celebrate 35 years with new Childline 35 Club fundraiser

Ahead of Thursday’s Drive I was joined by Sarah Laffling, Fundraising Manager for NSPCC in East Anglia for a catch up about the superhero fundraising efforts of Lexdon Lodge Kindergarten and the success of childhood day, a new annual event. We also discussed Childline 35 Club, a new fundraising project to celebrate 35 years of Childline.

Childline service is there to give young people a voice when no one else is listening. Whatever problems or dangers they’re facing, Childline provides a place for them to turn to for support any time of day or night. NSPCC are looking for 35 companies to each raise money for Childline this year with a target to raise £30,000 which covers the cost to run Childline for one day. The fundraiser also encourages individuals to use the number 35 as inspiration for their fundraising activities.

To find out more, including a few quirky fundraising ideas, click play in the box below and listen to the full interview.

For more information on Childline 35 Club click here. For more events and information about NSPCC East Anglia visit their Facebook page and for more information or support from NSPCC visit

For more of Stewart’s shows, interviews, poems and reviews, to submit your music for airplay or to check out Stewart’s comedy and books visit

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