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6 Kinds of Cases Personal Injury Lawyers Take

If you regularly watch television, you may have seen advertisements for personal injury lawyers like the one at this URL playing out on your screen during commercial breaks. You may also have viewed similar marketing on billboards, magazines, newspapers, social media and video platforms like YouTube or heard it on the radio while driving. Personal injury attorneys usually operate as civil lawyers. They work to help you gain monetary compensation for any psychological or physical harm you have incurred as a result of another party’s actions or lack thereof. There are several kinds of cases one may take on.

1. Negligence Cases

A large number of personal injury suits are filed based on the idea that the injuries sustained are the fault of another entity’s negligence rather than purposeful intent. As explained by experienced attorneys at Jebaily Law Firm, the basis for this is the assumption that the other party had a “duty of care” that was not met. Many other subcategories of cases like those involving vehicular accidents or defective products fall under this umbrella. Individuals or companies may be proven to have breached “duty of care” if they did or failed to do certain things that led to the plaintiff’s (your) suffering.

2. Automotive Accident Cases

This includes car, truck, motorcycle, hit and run, tractor-trailer and pedestrian accidents. Car crash cases are the most common type of personal injury case in the U.S. As mentioned earlier, suits involving automobile wrecks often involve negligence claims. For instance, a vehicle operator who was speeding or otherwise breaking road rules or driving irresponsibly may be found to have been negligent and thus liable for any injuries you sustain in a crash.

3. Medical Malpractice Cases

Doctors and other healthcare professionals may make mistakes that cause harm to patients. Errors in diagnosis, wrong treatments, omissions, standard of care violations, misreading test results and more may be classified as medical malpractice. For example, if an obstetrician accidentally damages your baby’s head at birth while trying to pull him or her out with tongs, said doctor may bear legal liability for it.

4. Slip and Fall Cases

This is a form of premise liability case. Property owners have a legal responsibility to maintain a reasonable level of safety on the premises of their homes, businesses and land. If you slip and fall in a store or other structure and get hurt, depending on the circumstances, you may be entitled to monetary damages.

5. Animal Attack Cases

Dog bite cases are the most common form of this kind of claim, though those who own other animals may still be held responsible for their pets’ assaults. Some states have a strict liability policy, meaning they hold pet owners completely liable if their companions bite you even if they are in their own home.

6. Work Incident Cases

Workplaces are prone to accidents, especially ones in fields like construction or manufacturing where there is a lot of physical labour involved. Worker’s compensation cases fall under this category.

This does not cover every kind of claim personal injury lawyers handle. Not all attorneys that practice personal injury will take all of these types of cases either. Some specialize in only one or two of them. Their overall purpose is to aid you and other people in receiving compensation for injuries that aren’t your fault.


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