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This is the man you want for your boss

Now here’s news of a truly dream company to work for.

The minimum wage paid by Seattle based, GRAVITY PAYMENTS is $70,000 (that’s £52,612).

6 years ago company CEO, DAN PRICE, accidentally discovered that one of his employees had  taken a second job working at McDonalds just to get by.

Mr Price said no one should have to do that when they were already working full-time and so he immediately decided to cut his own pay by 90% in order to ensure that everyone else got a fairer salary!

He was immediately attacked by FOX NEWS who labelled him a socialist and said it could not possibly be sustainable for his business.

In fact the company’s revenue has tripled, head count grew by 70% (no great surprise there, me thinks!) and his customer base doubled.

Although the pandemic hit the company hard losing over half their revenue overnight, the employees were so invested in the business that they took temporary pay cuts to prevent any layoffs.

Everyone has since been paid back any losses in salary and the company is now giving out raises.

Mr Price says he doesn’t miss anything about the millionaire lifestyle.

“Money buys happiness when you climb out of poverty. But going from well-off to very well-off won’t make you happier. Doing what you believe is right will,” he said.

He’s now calling on other companies to copy his example and watch their businesses take off!

Being a Tuesday, it was good to be joined once more by Margaret Mills, who news of another benefactor, this one being more local to us here, being a one time owner of Hylands House in Chelmsford.

The man in question was ARTHUR PRIOR who donated a large sum of money for the construction of a number of churches, one of which was ST MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS in GALLEYWOOD. Unfortunately Mr Prior, who was guest of honour for the first service held at the church, was so outraged by the sermon on the subject of purgatory, that he refused to visit that church ever again.

Listen again here to what Margaret told me today: –

See you again next week,


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This is the man you want for your boss

Now here’s news of a truly dream company to work for.

The minimum wage paid by Seattle based, GRAVITY PAYMENTS is $70,000 (that’s £52,612).

6 years ago company CEO, DAN PRICE, accidentally discovered that one of his employees had  taken a second job working at McDonalds just to get by.

Mr Price said no one should have to do that when they were already working full-time and so he immediately decided to cut his own pay by 90% in order to ensure that everyone else got a fairer salary!

He was immediately attacked by FOX NEWS who labelled him a socialist and said it could not possibly be sustainable for his business.

In fact the company’s revenue has tripled, head count grew by 70% (no great surprise there, me thinks!) and his customer base doubled.

Although the pandemic hit the company hard losing over half their revenue overnight, the employees were so invested in the business that they took temporary pay cuts to prevent any layoffs.

Everyone has since been paid back any losses in salary and the company is now giving out raises.

Mr Price says he doesn’t miss anything about the millionaire lifestyle.

“Money buys happiness when you climb out of poverty. But going from well-off to very well-off won’t make you happier. Doing what you believe is right will,” he said.

He’s now calling on other companies to copy his example and watch their businesses take off!

Being a Tuesday, it was good to be joined once more by Margaret Mills, who news of another benefactor, this one being more local to us here, being a one time owner of Hylands House in Chelmsford.

The man in question was ARTHUR PRIOR who donated a large sum of money for the construction of a number of churches, one of which was ST MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS in GALLEYWOOD. Unfortunately Mr Prior, who was guest of honour for the first service held at the church, was so outraged by the sermon on the subject of purgatory, that he refused to visit that church ever again.

Listen again here to what Margaret told me today: –

See you again next week,


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This is the man you want for your boss

Now here’s news of a truly dream company to work for.

The minimum wage paid by Seattle based, GRAVITY PAYMENTS is $70,000 (that’s £52,612).

6 years ago company CEO, DAN PRICE, accidentally discovered that one of his employees had  taken a second job working at McDonalds just to get by.

Mr Price said no one should have to do that when they were already working full-time and so he immediately decided to cut his own pay by 90% in order to ensure that everyone else got a fairer salary!

He was immediately attacked by FOX NEWS who labelled him a socialist and said it could not possibly be sustainable for his business.

In fact the company’s revenue has tripled, head count grew by 70% (no great surprise there, me thinks!) and his customer base doubled.

Although the pandemic hit the company hard losing over half their revenue overnight, the employees were so invested in the business that they took temporary pay cuts to prevent any layoffs.

Everyone has since been paid back any losses in salary and the company is now giving out raises.

Mr Price says he doesn’t miss anything about the millionaire lifestyle.

“Money buys happiness when you climb out of poverty. But going from well-off to very well-off won’t make you happier. Doing what you believe is right will,” he said.

He’s now calling on other companies to copy his example and watch their businesses take off!

Being a Tuesday, it was good to be joined once more by Margaret Mills, who news of another benefactor, this one being more local to us here, being a one time owner of Hylands House in Chelmsford.

The man in question was ARTHUR PRIOR who donated a large sum of money for the construction of a number of churches, one of which was ST MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS in GALLEYWOOD. Unfortunately Mr Prior, who was guest of honour for the first service held at the church, was so outraged by the sermon on the subject of purgatory, that he refused to visit that church ever again.

Listen again here to what Margaret told me today: –

See you again next week,


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This is the man you want for your boss

Now here’s news of a truly dream company to work for.

The minimum wage paid by Seattle based, GRAVITY PAYMENTS is $70,000 (that’s £52,612).

6 years ago company CEO, DAN PRICE, accidentally discovered that one of his employees had  taken a second job working at McDonalds just to get by.

Mr Price said no one should have to do that when they were already working full-time and so he immediately decided to cut his own pay by 90% in order to ensure that everyone else got a fairer salary!

He was immediately attacked by FOX NEWS who labelled him a socialist and said it could not possibly be sustainable for his business.

In fact the company’s revenue has tripled, head count grew by 70% (no great surprise there, me thinks!) and his customer base doubled.

Although the pandemic hit the company hard losing over half their revenue overnight, the employees were so invested in the business that they took temporary pay cuts to prevent any layoffs.

Everyone has since been paid back any losses in salary and the company is now giving out raises.

Mr Price says he doesn’t miss anything about the millionaire lifestyle.

“Money buys happiness when you climb out of poverty. But going from well-off to very well-off won’t make you happier. Doing what you believe is right will,” he said.

He’s now calling on other companies to copy his example and watch their businesses take off!

Being a Tuesday, it was good to be joined once more by Margaret Mills, who news of another benefactor, this one being more local to us here, being a one time owner of Hylands House in Chelmsford.

The man in question was ARTHUR PRIOR who donated a large sum of money for the construction of a number of churches, one of which was ST MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS in GALLEYWOOD. Unfortunately Mr Prior, who was guest of honour for the first service held at the church, was so outraged by the sermon on the subject of purgatory, that he refused to visit that church ever again.

Listen again here to what Margaret told me today: –

See you again next week,


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