Brentwood: currently 4°C, cloudy
high today 6°C, low tonight 3°C
sunrise 07:57, sunset 15:49
Now playing:
Sister Sledge - Thinking Of You
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The Weekend Wind Up – Saturday 27 February

Thanks for tuning into the latest edition of The Weekend Wind Up on Saturday. The playlist included;





and many more great artists.

If you fancy hearing the show again simply click on the link. And if you are an artist and fancy coming onto the show to tell our listeners all about you, email; and make it for my attention.

Or reach out on Twitter @SpenPhoenix or Instagram – The Weekend Wind Up.

And I’ll see you next Saturday, at midday, for more fun and great music.

Have a great week and stay safe.


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The Weekend Wind Up – Saturday 27 February

Thanks for tuning into the latest edition of The Weekend Wind Up on Saturday. The playlist included;





and many more great artists.

If you fancy hearing the show again simply click on the link. And if you are an artist and fancy coming onto the show to tell our listeners all about you, email; and make it for my attention.

Or reach out on Twitter @SpenPhoenix or Instagram – The Weekend Wind Up.

And I’ll see you next Saturday, at midday, for more fun and great music.

Have a great week and stay safe.


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The Weekend Wind Up – Saturday 27 February

Thanks for tuning into the latest edition of The Weekend Wind Up on Saturday. The playlist included;





and many more great artists.

If you fancy hearing the show again simply click on the link. And if you are an artist and fancy coming onto the show to tell our listeners all about you, email; and make it for my attention.

Or reach out on Twitter @SpenPhoenix or Instagram – The Weekend Wind Up.

And I’ll see you next Saturday, at midday, for more fun and great music.

Have a great week and stay safe.


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The Weekend Wind Up – Saturday 27 February

Thanks for tuning into the latest edition of The Weekend Wind Up on Saturday. The playlist included;





and many more great artists.

If you fancy hearing the show again simply click on the link. And if you are an artist and fancy coming onto the show to tell our listeners all about you, email; and make it for my attention.

Or reach out on Twitter @SpenPhoenix or Instagram – The Weekend Wind Up.

And I’ll see you next Saturday, at midday, for more fun and great music.

Have a great week and stay safe.


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One a month, no spam, honest

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