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When Witham was big news!

The subject chosen by Margaret Mills this week concerned the town of Witham between the 16th and 18th centuries when it was THE place to be.

It seems that at one time the town was favoured by Flemish weavers as a base for the cloth industry, and a bit later the town was renowned for its health giving spa waters.

If you missed it, you can catch what Margaret had to say, you catch it all again here: –

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When Witham was big news!

The subject chosen by Margaret Mills this week concerned the town of Witham between the 16th and 18th centuries when it was THE place to be.

It seems that at one time the town was favoured by Flemish weavers as a base for the cloth industry, and a bit later the town was renowned for its health giving spa waters.

If you missed it, you can catch what Margaret had to say, you catch it all again here: –

See you again next week,

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When Witham was big news!

The subject chosen by Margaret Mills this week concerned the town of Witham between the 16th and 18th centuries when it was THE place to be.

It seems that at one time the town was favoured by Flemish weavers as a base for the cloth industry, and a bit later the town was renowned for its health giving spa waters.

If you missed it, you can catch what Margaret had to say, you catch it all again here: –

See you again next week,

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When Witham was big news!

The subject chosen by Margaret Mills this week concerned the town of Witham between the 16th and 18th centuries when it was THE place to be.

It seems that at one time the town was favoured by Flemish weavers as a base for the cloth industry, and a bit later the town was renowned for its health giving spa waters.

If you missed it, you can catch what Margaret had to say, you catch it all again here: –

See you again next week,

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