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Wing Walking for Charity – Olivia Smith on Drive

Many fundraising efforts have suffered in lockdown, with safety measures making several of the usual activities impossible. One way to ensure you’re socially distanced of course, is to be on your own up in the sky…

To raise money for  Mitchell’s Miracles, a wonderful charity that supports families of children with a rare cancer called Neuroblastoma, local Romford resident Olivia Smith is taking part in a Wing Walk, where you are strapped to the wing of a plane!   Having smashed her target of £1,000 in 24 hours, Olivia is now pushing even further, hoping to raise as much as possible for the charity before the 19th June, when the wing walk is taking place.

If you would like to donate to this amazing cause, you can go to Olivia’s fundraising page, and to learn more about the amazing work Mitchell’s Miracles does, you can visit their website.

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Wing Walking for Charity – Olivia Smith on Drive

Many fundraising efforts have suffered in lockdown, with safety measures making several of the usual activities impossible. One way to ensure you’re socially distanced of course, is to be on your own up in the sky…

To raise money for  Mitchell’s Miracles, a wonderful charity that supports families of children with a rare cancer called Neuroblastoma, local Romford resident Olivia Smith is taking part in a Wing Walk, where you are strapped to the wing of a plane!   Having smashed her target of £1,000 in 24 hours, Olivia is now pushing even further, hoping to raise as much as possible for the charity before the 19th June, when the wing walk is taking place.

If you would like to donate to this amazing cause, you can go to Olivia’s fundraising page, and to learn more about the amazing work Mitchell’s Miracles does, you can visit their website.

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Wing Walking for Charity – Olivia Smith on Drive

Many fundraising efforts have suffered in lockdown, with safety measures making several of the usual activities impossible. One way to ensure you’re socially distanced of course, is to be on your own up in the sky…

To raise money for  Mitchell’s Miracles, a wonderful charity that supports families of children with a rare cancer called Neuroblastoma, local Romford resident Olivia Smith is taking part in a Wing Walk, where you are strapped to the wing of a plane!   Having smashed her target of £1,000 in 24 hours, Olivia is now pushing even further, hoping to raise as much as possible for the charity before the 19th June, when the wing walk is taking place.

If you would like to donate to this amazing cause, you can go to Olivia’s fundraising page, and to learn more about the amazing work Mitchell’s Miracles does, you can visit their website.

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Wing Walking for Charity – Olivia Smith on Drive

Many fundraising efforts have suffered in lockdown, with safety measures making several of the usual activities impossible. One way to ensure you’re socially distanced of course, is to be on your own up in the sky…

To raise money for  Mitchell’s Miracles, a wonderful charity that supports families of children with a rare cancer called Neuroblastoma, local Romford resident Olivia Smith is taking part in a Wing Walk, where you are strapped to the wing of a plane!   Having smashed her target of £1,000 in 24 hours, Olivia is now pushing even further, hoping to raise as much as possible for the charity before the 19th June, when the wing walk is taking place.

If you would like to donate to this amazing cause, you can go to Olivia’s fundraising page, and to learn more about the amazing work Mitchell’s Miracles does, you can visit their website.

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