In recent times, various people have taken to certain sporting activities. The major reason is basically to network and relax, something to take their minds off the regular day to day tasks and schedules. The number of golfers has increased over the years, even though it’s mostly synonymous with the crème de la crème of a given society.
The modern version of this game originates from Scotland. The 18-hole round was established in St Andrews in the year 1764. History has it that, golf was first played in China but has since been updated in Scotland as the modernized version is what is being played around the globe. It is worthy to note that most golf games consist of 18 holes.
The golfer’s main duty is to get as many balls as possible into the hole by striking the ball with the club on the teeing ground. Now, the teeing ground is where the play begins in the hole of golf. The space allocated on the ground is defined by tea markers and can take on different colours. Popular ones in the United States of America include black, gold, blue, white, red, and green. Interestingly, each of these coloured markers reveals the kind of play that is on-going.
Different kinds of tees and plays.
The black or gold markers are utilized during tournaments or championship plays.
The red tee markers can connote that a championship play is about to happen if it is behind a white tee. Again, if the red tee is seen in front of the white tee then it is commonly called the ‘women tees’
The blue tee is usually utilized in local tournaments.
The white tee is synonymous with the teeing ground used by the male gender.
Newbies mostly make use of the green tees.
Reasons why golf is the ideal sport
It is no news that golf is the sport that reveals one true character as it tests the players on all levels. One of the most difficult parts of being a golfer is having to commute with the golf gear from one state to another as it is prone to certain damages if care is not exercised. Without a doubt, golfing is the sporting activity most chief executive officers engage in during their leisure.
Stated below are reasons why switching to golfing might be beneficial.
If upscaling this aspect of life has been a burning desire, then golfing is the sport you need to enroll in. Just don’t forget to get the golf stand bag before routing the nearest golf club. Although golf is not the only sport that promotes a healthy lifestyle, it’s probably the only sporting activity that takes place in a serene environment. The atmosphere alone relaxes the nerve and gives the body a chance to breathe fresh air from mother nature.
Also, it has the added advantage of allowing all active golfers to subject their bodies to regular walking exercises. Interestingly, walking is one of the exercises recommended for all ages as no one can go wrong with taking regular walks. In addition to these benefits is the muscular exercise it permits its players to engage in during tournaments and regular plays. A survey in Sweden stated that those that play golf are likely to live longer than those who don’t.
Networking with influential people is one of the chief ingredients that foster business growth. Also, golf is mostly played by the elites of a given society. So, if moving the business or career to a higher level is of utmost importance to anyone, then golfing should be an activity they should hurriedly register and engage actively. Isn’t it fun that golfers get to burn calories and also get the chance to level up?
It’s important to bond with other players and get to know what opportunities are available and see how the skills acquired over the years can help convert these opportunities to more income.
Although golf is quite popular among men, it’s a game that accommodates all humans who are willing to play. This simply means children and women can learn how to play this game without being left out. The next time hubby leaves for golfing, pack a bag, get the kids and join in the fun. Equally important are the extended family, golfing can be learned by interested members to facilitate bonding, and who knows a family tournament can be organized.
Outdoor Benefits
Golf is a purely out-door event and even if the benefits of staying outdoor do not regularly make the major headlines. It is important to engage in activities that promote a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, the immune system gets boosted by being regular at outdoor activities. Also, it lessens anxiety and reduces the chances of getting depressed to the barest minimum. Additionally, it has been proven to reduce blood pressures in patients and it also gives room for a more productive thinking faculty.
The best of this is that engaging regularly in outdoor activities can help improve the quality of sleep derived. Don’t sleep on this benefit, get golfing!
Love challenges?
Motivational quotes have made us understand the importance of aiming higher than the points previously scored. Also, golfing reminds every one of its players that it’s a personal journey as it can be played alone. Consequently, if this lesson is applied to other facets of life, it is a no brainer that excellent success would definitely be achieved.
Another reason to play golf is that it helps to shape personal traits. Additionally, It teaches patience like never before and people are able to analyze how the objectivity of a given individual, and if the golfer is more emotional than logical, the mannerism is revealed during the play.
Business relationships are also enhanced during golfing. This is because most times golfers go on lunch and dinner trips after playing each game. This gives them the room to know themselves more intimately and fosters interpersonal relationships.
Some health practitioners have stated that playing golf reduces the risk of getting cancer. Hence, playing golf is recommended to people of all ages. The only precaution to playing golf would be not to indulge if the body is tired and needs rest. Apart from that, golfing does more harm than good to individuals who are active participants.