Where there is demand, there is opportunity to supply.
Where there is desperation, there is opportunity to exploit.
Be on your guard when building a business for 2021.
The end of the year is a chance to take stock. To consider the past 12 months and reflect on what might come next. Of course, 2020 has been no ordinary year. It’s been a time of huge change and turbulence, profound challenges and, sadly, a time of grief for far too many people up and down the country.
But amidst this tumult, the world keeps on turning. Business leaders should be using this time to consider what has worked and where improvements may be made. Certainly, if you have been repeating the same activity over and over again without results this year, then now is the time to plan how to conduct your activities differently to achieve improved business productivity and results for 2021. Here are eight tips to help you on your way.
TIP ONE – protect yourself online
When it comes to business growth, I admit to being a free webinar junkie. They hook you in and it is sometimes so tempting to take the one-off “offer of a lifetime”. All I would say, is please be careful not to give away bank and personal details to businesses and individuals you do not know without carrying out basic due diligence (identity verification and proof of address) beforehand.
We all want a better year next year, in more ways than one. Business and finance will be at the heart of our recovery.
TIP TWO – plan as if you have no borrowing/extra cash
There seems to be lots of loans and grants flying around which is great if you get one, but my advice is to continue planning as if you have not got the extra cash.
Let us start on a zero budget. Can you build a business from zilch? Probably not. There is always a cost for selling. But if it’s your time invested, then you may be just about able to afford to set up the bare bones of something smart – something that can start bringing in some cash.
TIP THREE – get affiliated
Money is not made by waiting for the perfect milestone to take place (like a website launch, for example). No, no, no. Money is made by getting oneself in the right place at the right time over and over again. Boom. How do you do that?
Whether you are selling beauty products, software or financial services, everyone in business needs to be affiliated with the right people. One needs to network like crazy in targeted environments – both on and offline.
Affiliation marketing models have struck me as the most powerful business models for 2021. Find individuals and companies that are happy for you to sell their stuff as a partner, and vice versa. Genius. You make money building a portfolio of products and services that you refer and sell for third parties, and if you have products and services then set up affiliate agreements with partners to sell your stuff. Commissions are transparent and recordable. Accountability for success is only a good thing and working as an affiliated group of businesses is always more advantageous than working on one’s own. It really is a win-win situation if done with care, loyalty, and trust.
TIP FOUR – know what sells
What markets are on the up? I mentioned business growth coaching online, but really, what in the local, national, and global arenas are flying off the shelf or on track to be the next big thing? I mentioned adult social care in my last blog. There is a multi-billion-pound market there just for the UK only. When it comes to marketplace choice for social care products and services, I know there remains very little choice for Essex residents. Look at the cladding removal problem from millions of homes across the UK. Is there a cheaper solution to get this huge problem safely resolved? Real problems need real solutions, and there are companies out there that need partners to sell their products without having to become an employee as such, i.e. you can build a business on the back of sales.
TIP FIVE – never stop researching
Before you pick a market (ideally one you are familiar with and enjoy working in), make sure you know the pros and cons before bringing the product marketplace and customers together. Trading in a new light may sound glamourous but depending on what model you choose to go forward, get a good understanding the necessary commitment before you engage.
TIP SIX – Federation of Small Business membership
I cannot recommend enough the value of being an FSB member, a supportive business community that offers regular virtual networking, useful knowledge hubs and plenty of membership benefits. Support hubs for Brexit, COVID-19, GDPR and many more issues for SMEs are invaluable and can save you a lot of time on Google and money on professional advice. You can apply for FSB membership here.

TIP SEVEN – give back
Brand and reputation are not just built on product delivery and price. Businesses that give back to their communities are more likely to succeed at Tip Three (get affiliated) which is directly linked to business growth.
The more one does, the more one is asked to do. Do not miss this golden opportunity to let the world know what you stand for and show exactly what you are doing to support your core purposes in life.
TIP EIGHT – relax
Whatever 2021 has in store for you, your family, and your business, do try to look after yourself and relax this Christmas, and get help if you are overburdened with worry.
If you have questions about this article or any business law issues, please feel free to call 0800 019 6793.
Take care, and may God bless you,
Sophie Newbould
Newboulds Solicitors is a commercial law firm which specialises in technology procurement, IP, data, and disputes.
Working with Phoenix FM, Sophie Newbould, can share some business tips and insights with her local community.
Sophie is considering standing as an independent in next May’s Brentwood local elections. At the core of her policies are the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for Brentwood:
No Poverty | Zero Hunger | Good Health & Well-Being | Quality Education | Gender Equality | Clean Water & Sanitation | Affordable & Clean Energy | Decent Work & Economic Growth | Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure | Reduced Inequalities | Sustainable Cities & Communities | Responsible Consumption & Production | Climate Action | Life Below Water | Life On Land | Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions | Partnerships For The Goals
Feel free to email sophie@newboulds.org if you have any issues that you may wish to raise for public policy consideration.