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sunrise 07:43, sunset 15:52
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Artist Feature: Zara Desai

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Zara Desai is a dynamic 13-year old singer and dancer hailing from North Carolina, USA whose recording career started when she co-wrote and recorded an original song at the age of 5 with her father, music producer Kenz Desai.

We chatted to Zara about her love of music and dance, her amazing viral videos and her new single, Planetary Wonder.

You can find out more about Zara by following her on Facebook and YouTube.

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Artist Feature: Zara Desai

Click here to listen to the interview:

Zara Desai is a dynamic 13-year old singer and dancer hailing from North Carolina, USA whose recording career started when she co-wrote and recorded an original song at the age of 5 with her father, music producer Kenz Desai.

We chatted to Zara about her love of music and dance, her amazing viral videos and her new single, Planetary Wonder.

You can find out more about Zara by following her on Facebook and YouTube.

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Artist Feature: Zara Desai

Click here to listen to the interview:

Zara Desai is a dynamic 13-year old singer and dancer hailing from North Carolina, USA whose recording career started when she co-wrote and recorded an original song at the age of 5 with her father, music producer Kenz Desai.

We chatted to Zara about her love of music and dance, her amazing viral videos and her new single, Planetary Wonder.

You can find out more about Zara by following her on Facebook and YouTube.

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Artist Feature: Zara Desai

Click here to listen to the interview:

Zara Desai is a dynamic 13-year old singer and dancer hailing from North Carolina, USA whose recording career started when she co-wrote and recorded an original song at the age of 5 with her father, music producer Kenz Desai.

We chatted to Zara about her love of music and dance, her amazing viral videos and her new single, Planetary Wonder.

You can find out more about Zara by following her on Facebook and YouTube.

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