Brentwood: currently 8°C, cloudy
high today 11°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:44, sunset 15:51
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The Arts Programme – 31

This week we mark 60 years since American lyricist Oscar Hammerstein II passed away. Claire talks to Herbie Clarke and Francis Lynch from Electric Voice Theatre about their projects that highlight women of Essex past and present. We also ask our friends and followers for suggestions of songs with the name of a woman in the title.

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
The Arts Programme 31
The Arts Programme
Rob West and Claire Gevaux

Electric Voice Theatre



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The Arts Programme – 31

This week we mark 60 years since American lyricist Oscar Hammerstein II passed away. Claire talks to Herbie Clarke and Francis Lynch from Electric Voice Theatre about their projects that highlight women of Essex past and present. We also ask our friends and followers for suggestions of songs with the name of a woman in the title.

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
The Arts Programme 31
The Arts Programme
Rob West and Claire Gevaux

Electric Voice Theatre



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The Arts Programme – 31

This week we mark 60 years since American lyricist Oscar Hammerstein II passed away. Claire talks to Herbie Clarke and Francis Lynch from Electric Voice Theatre about their projects that highlight women of Essex past and present. We also ask our friends and followers for suggestions of songs with the name of a woman in the title.

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
The Arts Programme 31
The Arts Programme
Rob West and Claire Gevaux

Electric Voice Theatre



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The Arts Programme – 31

This week we mark 60 years since American lyricist Oscar Hammerstein II passed away. Claire talks to Herbie Clarke and Francis Lynch from Electric Voice Theatre about their projects that highlight women of Essex past and present. We also ask our friends and followers for suggestions of songs with the name of a woman in the title.

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
The Arts Programme 31
The Arts Programme
Rob West and Claire Gevaux

Electric Voice Theatre



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