Brentwood: currently 6°C, light rain
high today 7°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:53, sunset 15:49
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Is it the right time for gas works?

John Brandler, owner of Brentwood’s Brandler Galleries, had this to say about proposed gas works in our town:

In these uncertain times, every government and NHS expert is telling us to stay safe and not to mix unnecessarily. We have also been told that the Covid-19 virus is airborne as well as transmitted by touch.

I have closed my gallery to the public for FOUR months, to protect myself and my partner – as we both have underlying health conditions – AND my clients.

I am astonished that Cadent – “Your Gas Network” – have informed us that in the near future they are demanding access to our home to do non essential work.

NO one in our road or adjacent roads has, to my knowledge, reported a problem with the gas supply.

It seems Cadent – and not the gas company, it seems – want to replace our pipes (NOT old Victorian iron pipes as none of the houses are pre 1930s) with new plastic pipes. I thought we were supposed to be cutting back on plastic?

So despite Essex County Council spending tens of thousands of pounds resurfacing our roads these people of course will dig them up – as well as our drives – and then only replace their strip in the road, creating gaps for potholes. Then it will be another 10 years to get the road resurfaced properly.

Are they unaware that this is causing huge distress as well as the health risks? WHY oh WHY does it have to be done just now ?

They are demanding access not only to the meter but also every room with a gas appliance – and the right to cut off any piece of equipment. I bet they have a service to restore use of the equipment for a fee!

Is this vital work, or an unnecessary waste of money and a risk to residents’ health? Let us know what you think!

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Is it the right time for gas works?

John Brandler, owner of Brentwood’s Brandler Galleries, had this to say about proposed gas works in our town:

In these uncertain times, every government and NHS expert is telling us to stay safe and not to mix unnecessarily. We have also been told that the Covid-19 virus is airborne as well as transmitted by touch.

I have closed my gallery to the public for FOUR months, to protect myself and my partner – as we both have underlying health conditions – AND my clients.

I am astonished that Cadent – “Your Gas Network” – have informed us that in the near future they are demanding access to our home to do non essential work.

NO one in our road or adjacent roads has, to my knowledge, reported a problem with the gas supply.

It seems Cadent – and not the gas company, it seems – want to replace our pipes (NOT old Victorian iron pipes as none of the houses are pre 1930s) with new plastic pipes. I thought we were supposed to be cutting back on plastic?

So despite Essex County Council spending tens of thousands of pounds resurfacing our roads these people of course will dig them up – as well as our drives – and then only replace their strip in the road, creating gaps for potholes. Then it will be another 10 years to get the road resurfaced properly.

Are they unaware that this is causing huge distress as well as the health risks? WHY oh WHY does it have to be done just now ?

They are demanding access not only to the meter but also every room with a gas appliance – and the right to cut off any piece of equipment. I bet they have a service to restore use of the equipment for a fee!

Is this vital work, or an unnecessary waste of money and a risk to residents’ health? Let us know what you think!

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Is it the right time for gas works?

John Brandler, owner of Brentwood’s Brandler Galleries, had this to say about proposed gas works in our town:

In these uncertain times, every government and NHS expert is telling us to stay safe and not to mix unnecessarily. We have also been told that the Covid-19 virus is airborne as well as transmitted by touch.

I have closed my gallery to the public for FOUR months, to protect myself and my partner – as we both have underlying health conditions – AND my clients.

I am astonished that Cadent – “Your Gas Network” – have informed us that in the near future they are demanding access to our home to do non essential work.

NO one in our road or adjacent roads has, to my knowledge, reported a problem with the gas supply.

It seems Cadent – and not the gas company, it seems – want to replace our pipes (NOT old Victorian iron pipes as none of the houses are pre 1930s) with new plastic pipes. I thought we were supposed to be cutting back on plastic?

So despite Essex County Council spending tens of thousands of pounds resurfacing our roads these people of course will dig them up – as well as our drives – and then only replace their strip in the road, creating gaps for potholes. Then it will be another 10 years to get the road resurfaced properly.

Are they unaware that this is causing huge distress as well as the health risks? WHY oh WHY does it have to be done just now ?

They are demanding access not only to the meter but also every room with a gas appliance – and the right to cut off any piece of equipment. I bet they have a service to restore use of the equipment for a fee!

Is this vital work, or an unnecessary waste of money and a risk to residents’ health? Let us know what you think!

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Is it the right time for gas works?

John Brandler, owner of Brentwood’s Brandler Galleries, had this to say about proposed gas works in our town:

In these uncertain times, every government and NHS expert is telling us to stay safe and not to mix unnecessarily. We have also been told that the Covid-19 virus is airborne as well as transmitted by touch.

I have closed my gallery to the public for FOUR months, to protect myself and my partner – as we both have underlying health conditions – AND my clients.

I am astonished that Cadent – “Your Gas Network” – have informed us that in the near future they are demanding access to our home to do non essential work.

NO one in our road or adjacent roads has, to my knowledge, reported a problem with the gas supply.

It seems Cadent – and not the gas company, it seems – want to replace our pipes (NOT old Victorian iron pipes as none of the houses are pre 1930s) with new plastic pipes. I thought we were supposed to be cutting back on plastic?

So despite Essex County Council spending tens of thousands of pounds resurfacing our roads these people of course will dig them up – as well as our drives – and then only replace their strip in the road, creating gaps for potholes. Then it will be another 10 years to get the road resurfaced properly.

Are they unaware that this is causing huge distress as well as the health risks? WHY oh WHY does it have to be done just now ?

They are demanding access not only to the meter but also every room with a gas appliance – and the right to cut off any piece of equipment. I bet they have a service to restore use of the equipment for a fee!

Is this vital work, or an unnecessary waste of money and a risk to residents’ health? Let us know what you think!

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