Brentwood: currently 6°C, some cloud
high today 6°C, low tonight 3°C
sunrise 07:46, sunset 15:51
Now playing:
Rebecca Ferguson; Nile Rodgers - Nothing Left But Family
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Eat Chocolate and Don’t Lie! (Ep124)

Today is Tell the Truth Day. And World Chocolate Day. So if you’ve had chocolate that you shouldn’t have had, and someone asks you about it – DON’T LIE!

Ben deals with these hot ‘topics’ in this jam packed ‘double decker’ of a show. He tries not to get the ‘munchies’ and keep pressing all the right ‘buttons’.

Enough puns. Just listen to all the features and enjoy the great music.

145 interactions on social media so far for this week’s show. It’s good to get involved.

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Eat chocolate and Don't Lie (Ep124)
The Show That Goes Like This
Ben Simmons

Facebook – Ben Simmons Radio

Twitter     – @bensimradio


Eat Chocolate and Don’t Lie! (Ep124)

Today is Tell the Truth Day. And World Chocolate Day. So if you’ve had chocolate that you shouldn’t have had, and someone asks you about it – DON’T LIE!

Ben deals with these hot ‘topics’ in this jam packed ‘double decker’ of a show. He tries not to get the ‘munchies’ and keep pressing all the right ‘buttons’.

Enough puns. Just listen to all the features and enjoy the great music.

145 interactions on social media so far for this week’s show. It’s good to get involved.

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Eat chocolate and Don't Lie (Ep124)
The Show That Goes Like This
Ben Simmons

Facebook – Ben Simmons Radio

Twitter     – @bensimradio


Eat Chocolate and Don’t Lie! (Ep124)

Today is Tell the Truth Day. And World Chocolate Day. So if you’ve had chocolate that you shouldn’t have had, and someone asks you about it – DON’T LIE!

Ben deals with these hot ‘topics’ in this jam packed ‘double decker’ of a show. He tries not to get the ‘munchies’ and keep pressing all the right ‘buttons’.

Enough puns. Just listen to all the features and enjoy the great music.

145 interactions on social media so far for this week’s show. It’s good to get involved.

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Eat chocolate and Don't Lie (Ep124)
The Show That Goes Like This
Ben Simmons

Facebook – Ben Simmons Radio

Twitter     – @bensimradio


Eat Chocolate and Don’t Lie! (Ep124)

Today is Tell the Truth Day. And World Chocolate Day. So if you’ve had chocolate that you shouldn’t have had, and someone asks you about it – DON’T LIE!

Ben deals with these hot ‘topics’ in this jam packed ‘double decker’ of a show. He tries not to get the ‘munchies’ and keep pressing all the right ‘buttons’.

Enough puns. Just listen to all the features and enjoy the great music.

145 interactions on social media so far for this week’s show. It’s good to get involved.

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
Eat chocolate and Don't Lie (Ep124)
The Show That Goes Like This
Ben Simmons

Facebook – Ben Simmons Radio

Twitter     – @bensimradio

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