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Body Talk 27/5/20

There is still much debate about the effectiveness of face masks in the fight against Covid 19.
If you are asthmatic the advice is not to wear one as it makes it difficult to breathe. The government is advising people to wear masks if they are out and about and unable to stay 2 metres away from others.This is because the virus is a respiratory virus,meaning it infects people when it is breathed in and attaches itself to cells in the lungs.
For people who have lung conditions this makes it extremely serious and it may even bring on an asthma attack. Wearing a mask can also give rise to feelings of anxiety which changes breathing patterns, the breath becomes shallow and therefore the mask is adding to the restricted intake of breath. Also it can make it harder to breathe from those who are asthmatic.
This gives a kind of catch 22 situation as these are exactly the group of people who are high risk. The advice is to wear a mask if and when you can,but obviously not exacerbating any pre-existing conditions.
Face coverings should not be used by young children or those who find them difficult to manage.
Medical grade masks are not necessary for most of us,we can make our own or use a scarf. Clinical masks are reserved for healthcare workers. Many countries are now adopting the wearing of masks to stop the spread of the disease.
The virus spreads on droplets from a cough or sneeze so the wearing of a mask stops anyone who is infected from spreading it, as well as preventing those nearby from breathing in the germs.

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Body Talk 27/5/20

There is still much debate about the effectiveness of face masks in the fight against Covid 19.
If you are asthmatic the advice is not to wear one as it makes it difficult to breathe. The government is advising people to wear masks if they are out and about and unable to stay 2 metres away from others.This is because the virus is a respiratory virus,meaning it infects people when it is breathed in and attaches itself to cells in the lungs.
For people who have lung conditions this makes it extremely serious and it may even bring on an asthma attack. Wearing a mask can also give rise to feelings of anxiety which changes breathing patterns, the breath becomes shallow and therefore the mask is adding to the restricted intake of breath. Also it can make it harder to breathe from those who are asthmatic.
This gives a kind of catch 22 situation as these are exactly the group of people who are high risk. The advice is to wear a mask if and when you can,but obviously not exacerbating any pre-existing conditions.
Face coverings should not be used by young children or those who find them difficult to manage.
Medical grade masks are not necessary for most of us,we can make our own or use a scarf. Clinical masks are reserved for healthcare workers. Many countries are now adopting the wearing of masks to stop the spread of the disease.
The virus spreads on droplets from a cough or sneeze so the wearing of a mask stops anyone who is infected from spreading it, as well as preventing those nearby from breathing in the germs.

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Body Talk 27/5/20

There is still much debate about the effectiveness of face masks in the fight against Covid 19.
If you are asthmatic the advice is not to wear one as it makes it difficult to breathe. The government is advising people to wear masks if they are out and about and unable to stay 2 metres away from others.This is because the virus is a respiratory virus,meaning it infects people when it is breathed in and attaches itself to cells in the lungs.
For people who have lung conditions this makes it extremely serious and it may even bring on an asthma attack. Wearing a mask can also give rise to feelings of anxiety which changes breathing patterns, the breath becomes shallow and therefore the mask is adding to the restricted intake of breath. Also it can make it harder to breathe from those who are asthmatic.
This gives a kind of catch 22 situation as these are exactly the group of people who are high risk. The advice is to wear a mask if and when you can,but obviously not exacerbating any pre-existing conditions.
Face coverings should not be used by young children or those who find them difficult to manage.
Medical grade masks are not necessary for most of us,we can make our own or use a scarf. Clinical masks are reserved for healthcare workers. Many countries are now adopting the wearing of masks to stop the spread of the disease.
The virus spreads on droplets from a cough or sneeze so the wearing of a mask stops anyone who is infected from spreading it, as well as preventing those nearby from breathing in the germs.

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Body Talk 27/5/20

There is still much debate about the effectiveness of face masks in the fight against Covid 19.
If you are asthmatic the advice is not to wear one as it makes it difficult to breathe. The government is advising people to wear masks if they are out and about and unable to stay 2 metres away from others.This is because the virus is a respiratory virus,meaning it infects people when it is breathed in and attaches itself to cells in the lungs.
For people who have lung conditions this makes it extremely serious and it may even bring on an asthma attack. Wearing a mask can also give rise to feelings of anxiety which changes breathing patterns, the breath becomes shallow and therefore the mask is adding to the restricted intake of breath. Also it can make it harder to breathe from those who are asthmatic.
This gives a kind of catch 22 situation as these are exactly the group of people who are high risk. The advice is to wear a mask if and when you can,but obviously not exacerbating any pre-existing conditions.
Face coverings should not be used by young children or those who find them difficult to manage.
Medical grade masks are not necessary for most of us,we can make our own or use a scarf. Clinical masks are reserved for healthcare workers. Many countries are now adopting the wearing of masks to stop the spread of the disease.
The virus spreads on droplets from a cough or sneeze so the wearing of a mask stops anyone who is infected from spreading it, as well as preventing those nearby from breathing in the germs.

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