Brentwood: currently 4°C, cloudy
high today 7°C, low tonight 3°C
sunrise 07:58, sunset 15:49
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Million pound handout to local good causes

The Essex Community Foundation has distributed over £1m in emergency grants to local voluntary and community organisations affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Projects that have received funding include volunteer schemes in local hospitals, food deliveries to the vulnerable and elderly, community response hubs and online counselling.

A new partnership with the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner has also added £150,000 to the fund for good causes.

The ECF is still accepting applications – click here to see if your organisation is eligible.

* Phoenix FM is one of the recipients of the current ECF emergency funding scheme – and we’d like to extend our thanks to them for helping us to continue to serve our local community, and for all the good work they do in Essex.

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Million pound handout to local good causes

The Essex Community Foundation has distributed over £1m in emergency grants to local voluntary and community organisations affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Projects that have received funding include volunteer schemes in local hospitals, food deliveries to the vulnerable and elderly, community response hubs and online counselling.

A new partnership with the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner has also added £150,000 to the fund for good causes.

The ECF is still accepting applications – click here to see if your organisation is eligible.

* Phoenix FM is one of the recipients of the current ECF emergency funding scheme – and we’d like to extend our thanks to them for helping us to continue to serve our local community, and for all the good work they do in Essex.

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Million pound handout to local good causes

The Essex Community Foundation has distributed over £1m in emergency grants to local voluntary and community organisations affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Projects that have received funding include volunteer schemes in local hospitals, food deliveries to the vulnerable and elderly, community response hubs and online counselling.

A new partnership with the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner has also added £150,000 to the fund for good causes.

The ECF is still accepting applications – click here to see if your organisation is eligible.

* Phoenix FM is one of the recipients of the current ECF emergency funding scheme – and we’d like to extend our thanks to them for helping us to continue to serve our local community, and for all the good work they do in Essex.

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Million pound handout to local good causes

The Essex Community Foundation has distributed over £1m in emergency grants to local voluntary and community organisations affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Projects that have received funding include volunteer schemes in local hospitals, food deliveries to the vulnerable and elderly, community response hubs and online counselling.

A new partnership with the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner has also added £150,000 to the fund for good causes.

The ECF is still accepting applications – click here to see if your organisation is eligible.

* Phoenix FM is one of the recipients of the current ECF emergency funding scheme – and we’d like to extend our thanks to them for helping us to continue to serve our local community, and for all the good work they do in Essex.

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