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Body Talk 12/2/20

There is a huge debate over whether red meat is good or bad for us. It has been associated with additional risk of heart disease and early death from any cause. Those who have just two portions of red meat per week are 3% more likely to die prematurely. With death from heart disease being the highest.

Eating oily fish is much safer, but fish is lacking in most diets.

Even a small change could be a good thing, cutting down on beef, lamb, pork and venison is probably healthier and certainly cutting down on processed meats of any kind, would be very beneficial.

Eating poultry twice a week was linked to a 4% increase in cardiovascular disease, or it may be down to the way the chicken is cooked. Fried chicken and fried fish have bee positively linked to heart disease.

However, the increase in risk is likely to be minimal for an individual, for example someone could possibly have their life shortened by 3 to 6 months. Small changes though, could make a difference. The WHO classes red meat as being linked to cancer. The scientific consensus is that eating red meat is bad for your health.

It does seem that adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet could be beneficial, along with getting regular exercise. A small change in lifestyle could reap large benefits.

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Body Talk 12/2/20

There is a huge debate over whether red meat is good or bad for us. It has been associated with additional risk of heart disease and early death from any cause. Those who have just two portions of red meat per week are 3% more likely to die prematurely. With death from heart disease being the highest.

Eating oily fish is much safer, but fish is lacking in most diets.

Even a small change could be a good thing, cutting down on beef, lamb, pork and venison is probably healthier and certainly cutting down on processed meats of any kind, would be very beneficial.

Eating poultry twice a week was linked to a 4% increase in cardiovascular disease, or it may be down to the way the chicken is cooked. Fried chicken and fried fish have bee positively linked to heart disease.

However, the increase in risk is likely to be minimal for an individual, for example someone could possibly have their life shortened by 3 to 6 months. Small changes though, could make a difference. The WHO classes red meat as being linked to cancer. The scientific consensus is that eating red meat is bad for your health.

It does seem that adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet could be beneficial, along with getting regular exercise. A small change in lifestyle could reap large benefits.

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Body Talk 12/2/20

There is a huge debate over whether red meat is good or bad for us. It has been associated with additional risk of heart disease and early death from any cause. Those who have just two portions of red meat per week are 3% more likely to die prematurely. With death from heart disease being the highest.

Eating oily fish is much safer, but fish is lacking in most diets.

Even a small change could be a good thing, cutting down on beef, lamb, pork and venison is probably healthier and certainly cutting down on processed meats of any kind, would be very beneficial.

Eating poultry twice a week was linked to a 4% increase in cardiovascular disease, or it may be down to the way the chicken is cooked. Fried chicken and fried fish have bee positively linked to heart disease.

However, the increase in risk is likely to be minimal for an individual, for example someone could possibly have their life shortened by 3 to 6 months. Small changes though, could make a difference. The WHO classes red meat as being linked to cancer. The scientific consensus is that eating red meat is bad for your health.

It does seem that adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet could be beneficial, along with getting regular exercise. A small change in lifestyle could reap large benefits.

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Body Talk 12/2/20

There is a huge debate over whether red meat is good or bad for us. It has been associated with additional risk of heart disease and early death from any cause. Those who have just two portions of red meat per week are 3% more likely to die prematurely. With death from heart disease being the highest.

Eating oily fish is much safer, but fish is lacking in most diets.

Even a small change could be a good thing, cutting down on beef, lamb, pork and venison is probably healthier and certainly cutting down on processed meats of any kind, would be very beneficial.

Eating poultry twice a week was linked to a 4% increase in cardiovascular disease, or it may be down to the way the chicken is cooked. Fried chicken and fried fish have bee positively linked to heart disease.

However, the increase in risk is likely to be minimal for an individual, for example someone could possibly have their life shortened by 3 to 6 months. Small changes though, could make a difference. The WHO classes red meat as being linked to cancer. The scientific consensus is that eating red meat is bad for your health.

It does seem that adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet could be beneficial, along with getting regular exercise. A small change in lifestyle could reap large benefits.

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