Brentwood: currently 8°C, light rain
high today 8°C, low tonight 2°C
sunrise 07:47, sunset 15:50
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Reggae Revival - December 4th
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Leroy Logan on Drive

I was visited by the “long arm of the law” or should I say the Ex long arm, Leroy Logan ex Met Police Superintendent popped in for a chat with me. We chewed the fat over music, the way policing has changed since he first started out as a beat copper and his new book Closing Ranks. If you missed our little chat or you just want to hear it again, then click below .

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Leroy Logan on Drive

I was visited by the “long arm of the law” or should I say the Ex long arm, Leroy Logan ex Met Police Superintendent popped in for a chat with me. We chewed the fat over music, the way policing has changed since he first started out as a beat copper and his new book Closing Ranks. If you missed our little chat or you just want to hear it again, then click below .

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Leroy Logan on Drive

I was visited by the “long arm of the law” or should I say the Ex long arm, Leroy Logan ex Met Police Superintendent popped in for a chat with me. We chewed the fat over music, the way policing has changed since he first started out as a beat copper and his new book Closing Ranks. If you missed our little chat or you just want to hear it again, then click below .

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Leroy Logan on Drive

I was visited by the “long arm of the law” or should I say the Ex long arm, Leroy Logan ex Met Police Superintendent popped in for a chat with me. We chewed the fat over music, the way policing has changed since he first started out as a beat copper and his new book Closing Ranks. If you missed our little chat or you just want to hear it again, then click below .

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