Brentwood: currently 5°C, cloudy
high today 6°C, low tonight 4°C
sunrise 07:55, sunset 15:49
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Shelly Miss Essex GB Finalist

My first guest on Friday (9/8/19) was Shelly Allen from Harold Wood she was a finalist in the Miss Essex GB beauty pageant on Sunday (11/8/19). Myself and Stewart Pink  chatted to her about her reasons for entering this competition and what her plans for the future were.

Listen back to get a n insight to how the competitions run and the good they can do

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Shelly Miss Essex GB Finalist

My first guest on Friday (9/8/19) was Shelly Allen from Harold Wood she was a finalist in the Miss Essex GB beauty pageant on Sunday (11/8/19). Myself and Stewart Pink  chatted to her about her reasons for entering this competition and what her plans for the future were.

Listen back to get a n insight to how the competitions run and the good they can do

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Shelly Miss Essex GB Finalist

My first guest on Friday (9/8/19) was Shelly Allen from Harold Wood she was a finalist in the Miss Essex GB beauty pageant on Sunday (11/8/19). Myself and Stewart Pink  chatted to her about her reasons for entering this competition and what her plans for the future were.

Listen back to get a n insight to how the competitions run and the good they can do

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Shelly Miss Essex GB Finalist

My first guest on Friday (9/8/19) was Shelly Allen from Harold Wood she was a finalist in the Miss Essex GB beauty pageant on Sunday (11/8/19). Myself and Stewart Pink  chatted to her about her reasons for entering this competition and what her plans for the future were.

Listen back to get a n insight to how the competitions run and the good they can do

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