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sunrise 07:58, sunset 15:49
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Latitude 2019: She Drew The Gun

I caught up with Louisa, Liam, Jenny, Jamie & Jack of She Drew The Gun ahead of their outstanding set at Latitude’s Lake Stage.

We talked about their debut album, Memories of Another Future, their new album, Revolution of Mind, how the band formed, their influences and Louisa’s brother’s festival-antics!

The band’s latest single ‘Wolf and Bird’ is out now and you can catch them on their biggest tour to date, the ’Trouble Everyday’ Tour in a whole host of places – click here for details.

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Latitude 2019: She Drew The Gun

I caught up with Louisa, Liam, Jenny, Jamie & Jack of She Drew The Gun ahead of their outstanding set at Latitude’s Lake Stage.

We talked about their debut album, Memories of Another Future, their new album, Revolution of Mind, how the band formed, their influences and Louisa’s brother’s festival-antics!

The band’s latest single ‘Wolf and Bird’ is out now and you can catch them on their biggest tour to date, the ’Trouble Everyday’ Tour in a whole host of places – click here for details.

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Latitude 2019: She Drew The Gun

I caught up with Louisa, Liam, Jenny, Jamie & Jack of She Drew The Gun ahead of their outstanding set at Latitude’s Lake Stage.

We talked about their debut album, Memories of Another Future, their new album, Revolution of Mind, how the band formed, their influences and Louisa’s brother’s festival-antics!

The band’s latest single ‘Wolf and Bird’ is out now and you can catch them on their biggest tour to date, the ’Trouble Everyday’ Tour in a whole host of places – click here for details.

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Latitude 2019: She Drew The Gun

I caught up with Louisa, Liam, Jenny, Jamie & Jack of She Drew The Gun ahead of their outstanding set at Latitude’s Lake Stage.

We talked about their debut album, Memories of Another Future, their new album, Revolution of Mind, how the band formed, their influences and Louisa’s brother’s festival-antics!

The band’s latest single ‘Wolf and Bird’ is out now and you can catch them on their biggest tour to date, the ’Trouble Everyday’ Tour in a whole host of places – click here for details.

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